my family, music, art, photography, deep dark swampy greasy blues and country music, reese's cups, sweet tea, watching weird ass movies and documentaries, hiking in the mountains, cute girly toes with red nail polish, the smell of the air after it rains, everything associated with the ocean, Late 50's and 1960's model Corvettes, Pin-up girls, actresses of the 40's and 50's, castles in england and scotland, brown hoppy beers, the mafia, old fashioned general store hootenannys, podcasting, old coins, rainy days with books, gadgets from sharper image, learning something i didn't know before, ghosts, haunted places especially in the south, tomfoolery, misbehavior and rebellion :)
Musicians, Artists and Interesting People.
Let's just say Greasy Blues, Country and Americana with a little punk and rockabilly thrown in for spice! There are so many artists that I could put on here that it would take me until next week. :)
Pulp Fiction, Walk The Line, A Clockwork Orange, Rear Window, Gilda, Chocolat, King Arthur, Braveheart, Angel Heart, Memento, The Jacket, The Machinist, The Constant Gardener, Syriana, The Manchurian Candidate, All The Presidents Men, Pirates of The Caribbean, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, From Dusk Til Dawn, Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill(1&;2), Boogie Nights, Grease, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Goldfinger, The Omen, The Lord of The Rings, Matrix, The Others, Tombstone, The Sound of Music, Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues, Searching for The Wrong Eyed Jesus, Skeleton Key, I LOVE DOCUMENTARIES/DOCUDRAMAS...ESPECIALLY SPOOKY ONES....
Television The Sopranos, The Office, Jericho, Heroes, Lost, Nip/Tuck, Gray's Anatomy(My wife MAKES me), Cool stuff on the History Channel, Fuse, Ovation or TLC, Miami Ink, Dog The Bounty Hunter!!!!
Again...Too Many to mention... I enjoy History/Non-Fiction, Thrillers and Musician Bios the most. Two magazines I must have every month: No Depression and Blues Revue.