After 4 years of theology/film school, I'm a full-time, stay-at-home, aspiring screenplay writer AND mommy of two beautiful little boys...Chandler, 7, and Noah, 2...AND a girl, Caryn Analei, on the way.
"To whom much is given, much is required" seems to be my theme-song lately. I've been blessed enough to marry my best friend, Homer, and my life is just too charmed...and crazy busy...for words. I'm overwhelmed daily by the goodness of God...and at just how faithful He is to bless us when we simply love Him in word and deed.
Christian Glitter by
I think I'm like every mom out there who has dreams of a successful career AND family life...You wish you could do it all and have it all done, like, yesterday already...But God is teaching me patience and that there is a season of grace for wiping noses, changing diapers and conquering the endless heaps of laundry and dirt that come along with having my cake and eating it, too.
When I get discouraged and feel like I'm never going to get that first brilliant screenplay written and out there, I remind myself of all the times I thought I was never going to have a husband and kids (was a single mom for more than 6 years)...or all the times I thought I would always be stuck in a dead-end, unfulfilling office job (did that for 5 years)...or all the times I thought I would never get to attend college (yet I got to do that, too). It can be so easy to fall into dispair sometimes when you look at the here and now, but I know that if I just keep my eyes on Jesus and praise Him for all the miracles and answered prayers He's manifested in my life, then I can't be depressed or down about anything. I am blessed.
There's a saying, "Time perfects all things." I mildly disagree. I think it should read, "Time perfects my perspective of all things." And with that perspective comes a faith that I cannot explain...a hope and a knowing that my God will do that which I cannot in my own ability...and as the Bible says, "God will send the the rain, both the former and the latter." Meaning, His timing is perfect when those little blessings rain down...and don't dispair when all you can feel is the uncomfortable sands of impatience underneath your feet ;)
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