Screenwriting, film criticism, gluttony
umm... already met her. But I like various odd people. And a few Western film stars sure would help me with my documentary.
I can handle anything in small doses. Country in smaller doses.
Definitely. Most definitely.
It's too distracting, so I save my money and buy DVDs.
Blue Like Jazz, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art, The Writer's Journey, Philosophy for Dummies, The Raggamuffin Gospel, Hollywood Worldviews, comics, anything by Dr. Seuss, and my Ray Bradbury anthology. I have a problem with forgetting the books I read right after I finish reading them. Sometimes I even forget what I'm
I've always had this thing for She-Ra, but more because she's hot than because she's a hero. I thought she was hot even after my brother scalped her and my dad hotglued her back together, leaving a clear, mutatious growth on her forehead. Now that's love.