where is my mind?
10 things:
1. My name is Arapaie.
2. I'm 18.
3. I'm hapa.
4. I love art.
5. I'm vegan.
6. I love my dog.. His name is Kiwi.
7. I fence.
8. I'm gay.
9. My favorite books are The Never Ending Story, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Ender's Game.
10. I look up to Ana, Speed Racer, Amelie, Atreyu, Ender, and Charlie.
"to be truly human is to be involved in a continual effort to reclaim a completeness and authenticity that are always being threatened by social forces, that society as we know it always resists. to be human is to be, in principle, a revolutionary; art is the principle of revolution." -robert williams
"ilse, a childhood friend, once found a raspberry in the camp and carried it in her pocket all day to present to me that night on a leaf. imagine a world in which your entire possession is one raspberry and you give it to your friend." -holocaust survivor
"love is an ever fixed mark." -william shakespeare