Deryck Ryan profile picture

Deryck Ryan

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Derek Roberts. I am 17 years old and I was a student at Colton High School, but now I'm going to college at University of California, Riverside (UCR). I love to sing and write songs, those are my passions in life. I also act and play soccer. I am going to college soon and I'm most likely going to major in psychology. My AIM name (hey that rhymed!) is FreshmanDerek, that is an old nickname of mine, talk to me anytime I am on, I am probably bored anyways and I like talking so it all works out. Meeting new people is cool as long as you aren't an old pervert molester guy, cause if you are don't waste your time here cause I am intelligent and won't meet you in a dark basement at a house in the middle of nowhere like some other idiots will. Well I think I am done talking...I guess! =]

My Interests

Singing, Acting, and Soccer

I'd like to meet:



I like all music really, my favorite music is any music i can really connect with though.


Harry Potter (no substitute for the books though), Mean Girls! I can quote that whole movie, I LOVE IT! Really just any good movie. I love parody movies, like Scary Movie, and silly movies, like Robin Hood Men in Tights.(Call a locksmith!)


Chelsea Lately! American Idol, Family Guy, Futurama, Case Closed, American Dad, CSI, Charmed, 24, Best Week Ever, Best Day Ever


Harry Potter, best books ever. I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, funniest book ever!


My Mom My Friends Myself, I know that sounds conceited, but I have helped myself through some bad times. So I guess the real hero would be self-help. =]

My Blog

You Know You Want Me

[Verse 1] When I look you in the eyes, I can see that you want me. Don't try to tell yourself lies, You're all about me. You try to play it cool, But you just look like a fool. No matter what you do, ...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:11:00 PST


[Verse 1] Notice me, I'm crying out. Talk to me, if only for a minute. I'm reaching out for you, Pull me from the depths of my loneliness. Wrap me within your arms, and never let me go. But I can't go...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:47:00 PST


Ok so I went to go see RENT with Hannah, Jess, Steff, Tori, Bob, Alex, Katie, and Morgan.So we get to anahiem and we end up going to the beach for a bit and then we found an aparment to sleep in, it w...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:06:00 PST

My 15 Anonymous Statements

My 15 Anonymous Statements 1) I love you, you know that. I think that we can and will last forever. You already broke the curse, together we're unlimited.P.S. You will learn the piano for that.2) We w...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:04:00 PST

No One

[Verse 1] I don't need anybody. No more of those stupid lies. So don't even bother, Cause I'm better off alone. Don't worry about me, Cause I'll be just fine. [Chorus] No one understands me. No o...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Sat, 05 May 2007 07:58:00 PST


[Verse 1] I realized I can do much better than you. And that I don't need you anymore. I'm done wasting time being blue. Cause I walked out that open door. I'm walking right past you, and not loo...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:01:00 PST


[Verse 1] We started out friends, but everything changed. I got different feelings, they got all rearranged. Then you took my heart, and broke it into pieces. You played me for a fool. Look at the mes...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST

The Click Six

The Click Six (That is the real says The King) The Click Six is a group of 6 people (Fricken Duh!), who hang out a lot. Even though they still have their own friends that they hang out ...
Posted by Deryck Ryan on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:23:00 PST