Fortuitous phenomalies, puns, kitties , squirrels , indie music. Helping musicians and bands get seen and heard since 1995. Known locally and throughout parts unknown for butchering the english language, usually and unusually with a rather particular unique brand of unequivocal limp diction.
Someone who can tolerate my puns, or at least nod and politely smile, even if it's just once in awhile, with a sense of humor of their own, and creative types for admiration, inspiration, infiltration and possible collaboration. People whom dullfacerobsterboy missed out on meeting but surely will get to know at some point: Nikola Tesla, Keith Moon, Gracie Allen, Steve McQueen, Sacagawea, and Betty Rubble.
I like good music and to discover good music that is new to me.
John Carpenter's The Thing, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Donnie Darko, Dawn of the Dead, Rumblefish, The Lost Weekend, The April Fools, Five Easy Pieces, The Graduate, Videodrome, Crimes of Passion, Team America, A Day at the Races, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Better Off Dead, Bedazzled.
History Channel (all reruns), SCTV, Bullwinkle
"The Peoples History of the United States", Howard Zinn, "Final Cut Pro - Editing Professional Video, Apple Training Series", "Shared Psychosis (Folie a Deux), Zafar Y. Ibrahim"
Dave Voss (hero in dreams), Ken McNabb, Richard "Chardmo" Pennant, Valerie (holy Chrysler!), Stephen Coy, my siblings and my Mom!