Check out my blogs profile picture

Check out my blogs

Hi my name is Jared

About Me

Hello Everyone:
My name is Jared. I have posted some blogs to educate people about our government and some things about the media. Most of my blogs contain a small movie clip. I have volunteered my time to post these blogs. I wanted to point out that each of us should get into politics. It is important for our economy, security, and for our safety. I encourage all of you to research about our government and to think about what they are doing instead of just listening to the media. If you want to see my previous blogs please click on view all blog entries. Then click on the left hand side on older to see my older blogs or click on newer to see my newer blogs.

Here is a good definition to the word liberal!

Let me tell you all about myself.
I do enjoy going to church. I enjoy accomplishing projects. I am very creative and like to create new things on the computer. I enjoy working with Flash Animation. I also like to draw. I have been told that I am pretty good for not having any formal training. Maybe someday I will take some lessons, because I have been told that I have a natural talent.
At the present time, I work Swing shift, because it works out the best for our family at this time.
I am sort of shy when I first meet new people. Once I get to know them, I am outgoing.
When I work on my projects, I find this quote inspirational. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase, "Martin Luthor King".
I really enjoy listening to Glenn Beck. I believe he really cares for the United States. He helps to encourage the United States to become a better place.

Check out my new website out at
My future goals are creating my own software and to create multiple companies.

My Interests

Computer Programming, Webpage Design, Gold's Gym, video games occasionally when I have time, museums, nature walks, I enjoy drawing, a variety of movies, and occasionally the Lagoon(Amusement Park). I work in the yard because it needs to get gone.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet other Christians. I enjoy Interesting and fun people that have a good sense of humor. I would like to meet people that are easy to socialize with.


I like a variety music. I like Nine Inch Nails, Creed, Mozart, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Three Days Grace, and Skillet.


I enjoy comedies, suspence, science fiction, and action pack movies the most.


I enjoy Glenn Beck, some Educational and History programs, The Simpsons, The Dead Zone(It is about a psychic who saves lives), Smallville, 24, The Twilight Zone, and Tru Calling. I have an assortment of DVDs, because I do not have a lot of time to watch television, and therefore, I watch the DVDs at my convenience when I have time.


I enjoy reading computer books and Autobiographies and Biographies. I enjoy doing research and learning new things.


The true heros are those who help others, create things to make life better, and those who stand up for what is true and correct.

My Blog

Taxes and Schools

I believe that the taxes that pay for our children’s education should go to a school of the parents own choice. After they took out manners and Christianity from our public schools, I believe it...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:10:00 PST

What is a Super Deligate? Does your vote matter?

I see trouble on using Super Deligates. It makes you wonder if your vote really matters. Does the government want us to be controlled? There should be no need for Super Deligates for any ...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:54:00 PST

I believe the president needs to have a group of thinkers. Here is my list.

First of all I believe the president needs to go by the Bible.  Politics need religion but religion doesn’t need politics.  I believe he needs to put a great team o...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:14:00 PST

Worried about who will become our future president

Check out this movie clip. It shows how prejudice and unpatriotic Obama’s Minister is.This picture does’t look right. Hillary is thinking about making him our vice president ta...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:59:00 PST

What are Obama’s beliefs, morals, and plans?

What does Obama believe in? Look at our future president! I hear that he wants our troops out of Iraq. This shows how proud he is on being a American. I guess ...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 10:35:00 PST

The reason why we are still at war!

Notice how their religion teaches about hate. We should continue to stay in the middle east for our safety and the other countries safety. I am happy that our soldiers ar...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:52:00 PST

Taking a walk out of congress -out-of-congress I would think that they want to protect the American people from terrorist.  I can't believe that the people voted the...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:49:00 PST

Get off the air media for lying to us,

If the media doesn't show what is true and correct or show that they are wrong they shouldn't even stay on the air. If they influence people falsely they shouldn't even be on because they effect all o...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:54:00 PST

President Bush and the evil media cover up

By: Ronald Kessler When FBI agent George Piro recently described debriefing Saddam Husseinfor seven months after his capture, he disclosed that the Iraqi dictatoradmitted his intention to re-start his...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:28:00 PST

Funny politician

This is Hillary's political issues. Don't vote for a stinker vote for a thinker! ...
Posted by Check out my blogs on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:28:00 PST