My interests is what makes me ME!Sports,good food and good ppl. Keeping in touch with GOOD friends since elementry,high school,college and coworkers. My best friends : Lillian,AAron , Eve and JOel,too.
I probably cant spell his name properly, Liam Neeson,Sean Connery,Pierce Broson, Neslon Mandela, Morgan Freeman oh.and yes REV.BILLY GRAHAM, in the flesh!ALL NATIVE HOCKEY PLAYERS LIKE JORDIN TOOTOO,JONATHON CHEECHOO,PRICE,SOURAY,WACEY RABBIT,TED NOLAN AND DONT FORGET OILERS ,TOO!LOL.The Queen of England.
All Classical,oldies but goodies,,,www.crossm
All types of Documentries,Horror,children's,...I like to watch any original before the remakes,eh...much fun that way...God, no teenloveytype movies!
SPROTS,HOCKEY,...Old and new shows, All CSI's,All Law&ORder,Num3ers,Bones,Kappa Mikey,Comic shows,Criminal Minds,Cartoons...
I am an author of one book...a few poems ..Old authentic books, all type of old writers in all faiths,Rev.BillyGraham, Lord of the Rings.....the b i b l e?
My Father in Heaven?????In the real Father,WildBill.....and a whole list of other ppl...cant entail 'em all,eh???sorry@lol.