I would love to get to ride a horse again even though I have trouble staying on one!Well,except that one time,when it was fundemental to my survival & I don't know how I did it! (must have been a sight!)HAHAHAHA!reading,biking,swimming,good movies,exploring the woods,internet,home improvement,do it yourself type stuff,nature,I love critters,etc.....
Down to earth,nonjudgemental people.People with a great sense of humor!Tell me a good one!HAHAHAHAHA!
Shania Twain~Mettalica,yeah,I'm a split personality!
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Alot of Lifetime movie network,Xena,Twighlight Zone,all of them but the older ones are the best,Hi,I'm talking Tina & I'm going to kill you!Americas funniest animals~many more,Oh,and I can't watch crocadile hunter-too depressing for sure.
I read many of Stephen Kings books,never read one I did'nt like,,Dean Koontz,scary authors.I got into Harliquin Romance there for awhile,boy those are the real fairtales,romance has not shown itself to me that wonderfully!HAHAHA
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