Joan Baró profile picture

Joan Baró


About Me

Fascinat des de ben petit per moltes disciplines artístiques diferents, m'he format i he treballat com a Músic, Actor, Locutor o Il·lustrador entre altres...
Cantant, guitarrista i flautista de Cronistes. Ara mateix és el projecte musical on inverteixo les idees i melodies que em ballen pel cap. Si vols sentir la música que fem, hi ha els temes íntegres de la nostra maqueta a CRONISTES.CAT
Algunes fotos i il·lustracions // Some photos and illustrations
Amb els Cronistes!
La càpsula del temps, un curt que he protagonitzat, dirigit per Xavier Manuel.
The time capsule, a short film where i starred in, by Xavier Manuel.
Fascinated by lots of diferent artistic modalities since i was a child, I have been trained and worked as a Musician, Actor, Radio presenter and as an Illustrator among others.
Main vocals, acoustic guitar and flutes of "Cronistes". Now is the musical project where i work, contributing the ideas and melodies that dance into my head. If you want to listen to the music that we do, you can find the whole demo recording in CRONISTES.CAT

My Interests


Member Since: 10/27/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Joan Baró
Influences: La gent que toca la musica que li fa sentir son la meva influencia mes gran. M'agraden massa artesans de la musica per poder-los llistar aqui, i a part sempre canvien. El mes important sobre els meus gustos musicals es que no m'importa l'estil mentre la musica sigui bona, ben feta. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- IN ENGLISH: Those who play the music that they feel are my greatest influence. I like too many music artisans to list them here, and besides this they're always changing. But the main thing about my musical taste is that i don't care about the style as long as the music is good, well done.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Nou videoclip!

Ja és aqui el nou video collage dels Cronistes! Una abraçada!...
Posted by Joan Baró on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:57:00 PST