I LOVE: sleeping in (b/c I'm rarely able to). naps on rainy days. laughing a lot. spending time with my dog, Cody. a cold beer with good friends. my family. wine and conversation. big, crazy curly hair. coffee. listening to people with accents. my iPod, the keeper of my music. reading a good book. mexican food. a good cry. watching the news. learning new things. dancing to 80's music. animals. traveling. sour apple martinis. the beach. sunny, hot days. meeting new people. getting my hair cut.I HATE: fake people. ignorance. my cell phone. complicated situations. war. when people define themselves by their sexuality. that my mom has MS. bills. immaturity. self-centeredness. lack of time and money to travel like i want to. shopping for specifics. really cold weather. hangovers. driving.
I was once told these beautiful words: “Lindsay don’t try to be perfect. Let your imperfections be your perfection.†Anyone and everyone who lets their imperfections outshine their perfections and it’s their imperfections that truly make them who they are...
yes, please. I'll take it all execpt for country. Incubus is definitely my favorite band...love to get down to some 80's!!! fall out boy, thievery corporation, JayZ, coldplay, sublime, the cure, damien rice, the used, melissa ferrick, prince, ani difranco, death cab for cutie, the killers, the neptunes, taking back sunday, postal service, kanye west, tracy chapman, sarah mclachlan, the frey, missy, janis joplin, live shows with lots of energy. most unplugged performances.
I'm a sucker for romantic comedies...what could be better love and laughter?
The Apprentice, The L Word, Deparate Housewives, Oprah, CNN, Court TV (don't ask me why)...trashy reality tv.
Strangely, I enjoy reading books on business. AND yes i belong to a book club where the ladies get together once a month for cocktails and intellectual book discussion...no really, i do. if i'm drunk enough i just might try to recruit you to join ;)
my mom for more reasons than i could ever begin to express.