"CLIMACTION is a broad collective of activists who have come together to take action on Climate Change in Aotearoa. Inspired by the tactics of Martin Luther King's Civil Rights Movement, we believe the time has come to take to the streets to stop the destruction of our people and planet. System Change Not Climate Change is the Civil Rights movement of our generation."CLIMATE CHANGE- A threat to people & planetClimate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today. The Earth’s climate is changing rapidly, because of uncontrolled economic activity. The three warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998. The Earthis warmer than it’s been in 1,000 years. Climate Change is caused by green house gasses, which trap the sun’s heating the atmosphere.Carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are the biggest problem. Methane from farm animals is also significant.CLIMATE SCIENTISTS PREDICT
* Rising sea levels, flooding coastal areas, including parts of most NZ cities and many
Pacific Islands.
* Extreme weather patterns: more hurricanes, storms droughts and floods. Mass extinctions of plants and animals.
* Billions displaced by floods and famine. Wars over land and water.FREE & FREQUENT PUBLIC TRANSPORT
ClimAction calls for free and frequent public transport, this will cut CO2 emissions.KYOTO IS NOT ENOUGH
The Kyoto Protocol calls for small reductions in emissions. After 10 years most governments (including NZ), have done little. CO2 emissions have continued to increase here and around the world. That’s why ClimAction says Kyoto is not enough.SYSTEM CHANGE, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE
CO2 emissions must be cut by 80% just to stabilise temperatures.This will require radical change. Corporate controlled economic systems stand in the way of these changes.They put short-term profit before the future of the planet. We face a choice between system change or climate change.Links:
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Green swirls~n~Black