Charlotte von Mahlsdorf; Ekhart Tolle; Dr. Wayne Dyer; Byron Katie; Transformational Breath; Waldorf Education; Theosophy; Foreign Adoption; making hats; wiener dogs; Reiki; Chinese Energetic Healing; Bikram Yoga; Tribal Style Belly Dancing; Performance Art; mixing the perfect martini; Profanity
Laurie Anderson; Billy Holiday; Eartha Kitt; Royksopp; Edith Piaff; Iain Archer; Mixes by Gavin Hardkiss and Hawke; Gnarls Barkley; Rod Stewart; The Stones; Queen; OK Go; Ian Iselin
The Chumscrubber; Brick; Amelie; The Piano; The Fight Club; Il Postino; Female Trouble; Hairspray
The Red Tent; Left to Tell; The Bone Setters Daughter
People who refuse to shop at Walmart.