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About Me

LONG LIVE LOVE! :) "Faithful and true..."
"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God. And every one that loveth, is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God. For God is love." ---1 John 4:7-8 (KJV)
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" ---Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
"The love we give away is the only love we keep."---Elbert Hubbard***
I am a young lady whose consistent smile reflects the unconditional love of the One held in her heart. :)I love God with all my heart, and He is my heavenly Father/best friend. I fear and respect Him to the utmost. He's my everything and the most beautiful of existences. My relationship with Him serves as the foundation of all my other relationships.
I believe that character is who you are when no one else but God is watching. I have experienced the sweetest epiphanies in solitude, in my cocoon with God. And when I emerge from my cocoon, I allow those in my garden of life to take hold of my wings and the journeys to which they carry me. And though they are both part of the Trinity alongside God: Jesus is my hero, my savior, and my love/humility/forgiveness/loyalty/strength example and epitome, while the Holy Spirit is my comforter and conscience. I owe Them my life. And They've got it--hands down.
I write in metaphors. I love butterflies for their symbolism, uniqueness, and beauty. They do not seek to draw attention to themselves. Yet, in their own humility and minding their own business, their beauty and magnetism are undeniable. A lot of people call me "Butterfly." :)
Secondly, I could tell you what I do for a living. But that would be boring, bragging, left-side brain jargon. I would rather tell you what inspires me with my right-side brain. And I hope that my inspiration inspires you. :) I love the arts, especially the art of writing. My ultimate goals are to become a best-selling novelist, poet, and spoken-word artist; publish my own greeting card collection; write television and movie scripts, as well as songs for various artists; open and run a youth writing camp; deliver and facilitate motivational speeches and workshops; grace some magazine covers and spreads; and inspire the world with my aforementioned and unmentioned gifts. I would love to win the Pulitzer Prize for excellence in writing and telling the story of the human spirit. I am very down-to-earth, and I really try to understand people from all walks of life. My experiences and gained perspectives are the pages behind the book cover that you visualize.
Enough with the flowery me, right? Let's get down to the other part of me. Laugh Out Loud (LOL). Here's the left-side brain. I serve as a technical lead and requirements systems analyst for federal government Internet applications, as well as participate in the Internet software development process through providing teaching, mentoring, work/task managing, and technical writing services.
OK, back to smelling the flowers... :) I am a friendly person who is always open to meeting new people and respecting/gaining their perspectives. I smile even when I am mad or perturbed. ;) I laugh and joke A LOT. I love to make people smile and see the beauty in themselves and their experiences. I am very down-to-earth. I am a deep thinker, planner, dreamer, and heart-expresser. :) I am a good listener and encourager. I can admit when I am wrong, and I openly forgive, as well. I am always looking to improve upon self. I believe the best things come to those who wait on and live for God, use common sense, and exhibit maturity. I believe in considerateness, loyalty, humility, and honesty to the utmost. I have learned how to be self-less without being stupid. I believe in never selling out my soul to any noun other than the all-encompassing entity of GOD.
(I know that our English teachers instructed us not to continuously start a series of sentences with the word, "I." Heck, I used to tell my students the same thing when I was a school teacher. LOL. But hey, that's part of poetry, too. The art of repetition. :) )
Most people say I am wise beyond my years and that I can read people well--that foolishness is transparent to me. I value discernment and realize that whenever I lose something or someone, in God's eyes, I have gained something. Trust! I have struggled in my life, but through God, I have overcome many fears and obstacles. I am a very confrontational person, and I love to communicate.
I am a caterpillar-turned-butterfly who has undergone metamorphosis. My goal in life is to perpetually personify God's love through everything He has called me to do in this lifetime. I wish to leave my mark wherever I may travel in this realm. I believe with every ounce of me that a person will reap what he/she has sown in the garden of life and that in order to get the very best out of this earthly life loaned to me, I must sow in righteousness. And in whatever I gain, I must use it to give all glory to God--the gift-Giver. :) Even my smiling brings a glow to God's face. So I'll use it for all that it's worth. Humility puts all accomplishment into perspective.
I believe in seeing beyond the surface. If you read a book by its cover, you immediately lose its inner value. Closed-mindedness (a word? LOL) is not a skill listed on my resume. I believe that if you actually take the time to listen to a person's experiences and ideas, you will actually learn and permeate subjective barriers that keep you from growing. Staying in a mental and emotional box keeps you sheltered from both the sunlight and rain we all need to grow and, hence, mature on all levels.
I don't like to be tied down. Why? Because God created this Butterfly to be free and all she can be. I value all He has taught me in our solitude. And I realize that He, and only He, has completed me. My loyalty to Him has taught me how to be loyal to human beings.
Furthermore...what are my views on human, interpersonal relationships in a nutshell? Two are better than one, but only when those two are on one accord (with God as their nucleus and compass) and do just as well or better (not WORSE), together, than they would when separately existing in a blissful and valuable solitude. "God bless the child who's got [her/his] own!" My relationship with God has brought my life full circle. And my relationship with Him has brought this “About Me” full circle--as it began with Him.
So, this is a "little" bit of me. I hope that my smile and personality are infectious to you, as I've been told. :) :) :)
Thanks for listening, rather--reading. In the words of Russell Simmons, "Thank you for comin' out. God bless, and good night." Or “good day”…whatever time it is where you are reading this. Tee hee… LOL. I wish you peace, love, and SOULLLLLLLLLLL!
*** "Women are like good apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Some men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the grounds that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree." ---Anonymous ***
*** "They may see the good you do as self-serving. Continue to do good.
They may see your generosity as grandstanding. Continue to be generous.
They may see your warm and caring nature as a weakness. Continue to be warm and caring.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway." ---Anonymous
Art is one of the best means to expression's end.
LONG LIVE THE METAPHOR!*************************************************** ********

My Interests

Being an example of the Lord's love (This is what life is all about!); Writing (prose, poetry, plays, etc.); Rhyming (Lupe is the greatest! All hail the king of metaphorical lyricism!There is nothing more attractive than representing a combination of intelligence, morality, and utter coolness! Dumb It Down-Lupe Fiasco
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Collecting Butterflies; Working Out; Singing; Appreciating Art; Spoken Word (Russell Simmons' "Def Poetry" is one of the best shows on HBO! Check it out at midnight on Friday nights!); Creativity; Interior Decorating; Cleaning (seriously :)); Planting (butterfly gardening); Editing; Burning Candles; Dancing (Tearing it up on the dance flo'); Attending Church; Eating (lol); Choreography; Volunteering/Providing Community Services; Fashion; Insightful and Funny Barbershop Conversations; Song-writing; Reading "VIBE," "Sister2Sister," "Star," and "Writer's Digest" magazines; Modeling; Watching movies and music videos to analyze directing artistry; Humor that proves profound points and also is just straight common life experience and gut-busting:

Shopping; MC Battling; Watching College Basketball and Ravens Football (team spirit); Lyrics possessing a purpose/Poetry...

I'd like to meet:

People who have been blessed to share God-given gifts with the world on a large-scale stage and whose personalities and plights reflect mine:
Mariah Carey (Ultimate songstress; we share similar spiritual beliefs, work-a-holic/loyalty ethics, impeccable memory for people's birthdays, and life experiences! And we both have butterfly collectible rooms! LOL); Toni Braxton(Hometown native; unique; powerful voice; no nonsense; beautiful and stylish! (I'm honored when people say I favor her...); Lupe Fiasco (Lyrical genius and cool/smooth as ever! He studied his craft before he executed or ran any professional play.); Jill Scott (Poetess extraordinaire! And she was a school teacher before she became a famous singer.); Amerie (Love her grace, beauty, and spirit; and we were both English majors! Big ups!); Erin Gruwell (Model teacher who changed a "world" within her classroom by promoting writing; see the "Freedom Writers" movie!),Alicia Keys(Pure, quality artist! She combines poetry with jazz to create an unparallel collaboration.);Jennifer Hudson(Living proof of what it takes to overcome and blossom into a "dreamgirl"!);Tamia (Angelic voice to accompany a humble and beautiful person! And she makes a beautiful couple with her hubby, Mr. Hill; and the late Phyllis Hyman (Would have loved to sit and talk her through her pain; her life ended way too soon, but her voice and legacy will live on forever)
Mariah Carey (So glad she re-made this song in tribute to her mentor, Brenda K. Starr...beautiful!)
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Toni Braxton .... .. ..
Jill Scott

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Genres: Rhythm & Blues (R&B), Gospel, Jazz, Reggaeton, Hip Hop, Classical (alarm clock set to wake up to it!), Slow Jam Mix Cds,and even some Pop, Rock and Country (songs tell the best stories!) thrown into the mix..
I love music that has a profound message and expresses a vulnerability, purpose, profound notion, and an independence.
Some of my favorite jams are:
Almost anything Mariah Carey...
"Since You've Been Gone"--Day 26 (Another B. Cox production...) (YES! This is true R&B at its best. Everything from the melody, arrangement, lyrics, and voices is off the chain. The fellas truly put their hearts and souls into this one. In an age where marriages/unions are falling apart quite rapidly, this song is just really beautiful and heart-felt. Well done, fellas! I believe you have a #1 single on your hands! Goosebumps!)

"New World Symphony" -- Miri Ben Ari featuring Pharoahe Monch (one of THE best hip hop songs I have ever heard; lyrics are very motivating and real; pardon the "a" word (LOL))
"Classic (Better Than I've Ever Been)" -- DJ Premier remix featuring Kanye West, Nas, Rakim, and KRS-One (Ahhhh....takes me back to when hip hop was purely poetic and intellectually sound)|
"I Remember" --Keyshia Cole (Even though the song is sad, the lyrics, arrangement, and melody are beautiful. You feel her pain through the song, which means it's effective. This combination will help people get through similar pain and achieve self-reliance and love.)

"Fly Like Me"-Chingy feat. Amerie (Such a happy song about a playa who finally found love :); and the video is so tropical!)

"Remember the Name"--Fort Minor (Is a get-me-pumped (and NBA) song; love the determination/no nonsense flow; focus is on the lyrics and not the video)
Chrisette Michele--"If I Had My Way" (Beautiful love song about waiting. This young lady is only 24 but sings with a maturity and soulfulness that cannot be ignored!)
"Please Don't Go"--Tank (Ladies, we've all been there. But finally, a dude is fessing up, asking the million $ questions, and requesting forgiveness. Love the arrangement, as well...and must support the hometown native...)..

"The Truth"--India Aire (The ultimate soul mate song...a beautiful love poem, put to music, that comes full circle...)

"Dreamin'" -- Young Jeezy feat. Keyshia Cole (A song about admitting fault and finding the rainbow after the storm; song makes me cry every time I hear it. Powerful lyrics...)
"Rock the Boat"--Aaliyah (One of the best metaphorical love songs I've ever heard with some similes thrown into the melodic pot. And the arrangement? Wow. Loved it so much that I bought the instrumental jazz version of the song.)
"Can You Believe"--Robin Thicke (Another tear jerker and uplifter that one can apply to multiple hardships...)
"Lord Give Me a Sign"--DMX (Real, real, real message...shows God's strength in DMX's weakness...)

"Let It Go"--Keyshia Cole feat. Missy Elliott and Lil' Kim (Tough love message that ain't nothing but the truth, and it has a tight, tight arrangement!)

"Until We Rich"--Ice Cube feat. Krayzie Bone (Finally, a positive message (except the lightin' a blunt instead of all that bit*h, hoe, thug, bang 'em up crappola that is ruining our communities and promoting self-destruction...tight beat and sample, as well...)
"Doo Wop--That Thing"--Lauryn Hill (Nothing but the truth!)
"Stay Down"--Mary J. Blige (Tight everything (arrangement, lyrics, melody, etc.)...favorite song of hers, and it's a slow jam, which speaks to married couples who are staying true to their vows, even for worse. I love how she always sings from her soul, even about the hard stuff.)
"Party like a Rockstar"--ShopBoyz (Love the rock/hip hop collabo...pump this in the car as soon as I get off work...please buleeve me!)
"Can't Forget About You" -- Nas feat. Chrisette Michele (Much respect to the old and new skool...I bop my head every time I listen to the song or watch its video...)
"Certified"--Lloyd (Smooth, smooth yet respectable song laced with metaphors and nice arrangement...)
"What They Do"--The Roots feat. R. Saadiq (Video speaks volumes as it holds a mirror up to some of our generation's ludicrous behavior and how some of us just miss the whole "responsibility" point. Listen to the words in all their profoundness. And the jazzy feel is hot, too.)
"Daydreamin"-- Lupe Fiasco feat. Jill Scott (Features two of my favorite artists; Lupe is genius in using satire to highlight some of our society's and commercial hip hop's ills...)
Lupe Fiasco ft Jill Scott Daydreaming

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"Looking For You"--Kirk Franklin (This song is soooo anointed. Another tear-jerker for me...For anyone who tries to criticize the song for its secular sample, please listen to the words instead of being so judgmental. And the sample is hottttt! Ya heard?!)
"I Need a Girl" and "Last Night"--Diddy (Tight, tight songs that reveal a man's honesty and regrets)
"Superstar"--Floetry feat. Common (This song speaks volumes about ideal, real love.)
"Midnite"--Brent Jones and the TP Mobb feat. Coko (Speaks for Jesus' heart when we take Him for granted...)
"Moments in Love"--Art of Noise (Best instrumental I have evah evah evah evah? heard...No doubt. :)
Destiny's Child--"Cater 2 U"("To whom much is given, much is required." If a woman desires the ideal man, she should be prepared to be his ideal woman. The song is da bomb, minus the "My life would be purposeless without you" part. A man should never define a woman's purpose or vice versa. Complement your mate because you can't complete him/her!)

"Born Again"--Mariah Carey and John Legend (Beautiful love song...sounds better than the original version to me...)
"The Questions"--Musiq Soulchild (Finally, a song about a playa who wants to love right and exclusively, a dude who is searching for real love or Love (He who is love)...)
"Spread My Wings"--Troop (A song written for a butterfly, indeed...)
"Broken Wings"--Tupac feat. R.L.(One of many songs that expressed Pac's vulnerability, dichotomy, realness, and honesty...)
"S.E.X."--Lyfe Jennings feat. LaLa (R.I.P.) (Thank God for this song. I hope it will save and has saved a lot of young women from being deceived and losing their precious gifts.)
"Can I Live"--Nick Cannon (Courageous song that is Biblically backed, yet he doesn't thurst its message onto you. He lets you know it's his and his mom's testimony.)
"Between Friends" album---Tamia (Mature, well put-together album encompassing a woman's love journey)
"Upgrade U"--Beyonce and Jay-Z (The lyrics communicate the truth. With respect, strength, and independence: a woman can complement her man and vice versa.)
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Artists: Mariah Carey (Sannng, Gurrrl!...A voice so anointed, beautiful, and powerful---that it makes me cry), Lupe Fiasco (delivers thought-evoking lyrics!),Floetry (so so gifted), Jill Scott, Alicia Keys, Usher (Dance, Boiiii!), Toni Braxton (beautiful diva!), Amerie, "The Russ Parr Morning Show" (hilarious), Bobby Valentino ("Bobby Valentino"--best R&B album I have ever heard), MIMS, Teena Marie, Mary J. Blige, Kirk Franklin, Tank, Maxwell, Art of Noise, Lauryn Hill, TuPac, Marques Houston, Janet Jackson (Dance, Gurrrl! "Pleasure Principle" is my favorite video. I must learn the chair move without bustin' my...shut yo' mouth!),

Musiq, Tamia, Guy, Troop ("Spread My Wings"), Michael Jackson (back in tha day), Atlantic Starr, Miri BenAire, Yolanda Adams, Nuttin' But Stringz, Rachelle Ferrell, Shalamar, Earth Wind and Fire, Mint Condition ("Pretty Brown Eyes," "I'm Ready,"...), Eminem ("Lose Yourself"), Nas, Dru Hill, Will Downing, Anita Baker, Mario, Ruben Studdard, Lina, Grover Washington, Jr., Babyface, Tyrese, Christena Aguilera, B2K, SWV ("Use Your Heart"), Tony Toni, Tone'!, Madonna, Force M.D's ("Tender Love"), Chingy, DMX,Stevie Wonder, Amel Larrieux, Omarion, Chante' Moore, Talib Kweli, Joe, Gwen Stefani ("The Payback"), Whitney Houston, India Arie, Beyonce',Sean Paul, Salt N' Pepa ("Expression"), Eric Benet, Kelly Price, Neyo, Lloyd, Bow Wow, Pebbles, Tracie Spencer, the late Luther Vandross, The Roots, Fourplay, the late Aaliyah, Lisa Stansfield, LeToya Luckett, Sweetback, Ciara, Jagged Edge, L.L. Cool J, B2K, Raphael Saadiq, New Edition, Maxwell, 112, Jodeci, Erykah Badu, Justin Timberlake, Mint Condition, Kenny Lattimore, Chaka Khan, Jay-Z, Klymaxx ("I Miss You"), TLC, Hezekiah Walker, Brent Jones and the T.P. Mobb ("Midnite") Outkast, Ready for the World, Jesse Powell, Chris Botti, Ray J, the late Phyllis Hyman, Cameo, Trey Songz, Chamillionaire, Patti LaBelle, Erykah Badu, Deborah Cox, En Vogue, Bobby Brown (when he was on top of his game.."Tenderoni," "Rock Wit Cha," (lol), Jennifer Hudson (miraculous voice...I am so happy for her!)


"Brown Sugar" (A beautiful, metaphorical story, which gives hip hop and true love their props), Brown Sugar-Love of my life

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"Something's Gotta Give," "Boomerang," "Finding Forrester," "Transformers," "Idlewild," "Drumline" (I could say it's one of my top favorites because Nick Cannon is fwwwwine (fine)... :), but I'll also say it's because it has an excellent disciplinary message and illustrates college experiences and rewards),
"Dead Poets Society," "Love Jones," "Something the Lord Made," "Stomp the Yard," "Freedom Writers,""Their Eyes Were Watching God," "8 Mile," "Dreamgirls,""Gridiron Gang," "PRIDE," "Higher Learning," "William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet" (Leo DiCaprio and Claire Danes), "The Pursuit of Happyness," "Baby Boy" (Excellent script and real life depiction with a happy ending),"I'm G'on Get You Sucka," "The Karate Kid" (I and II), "Glory Road," "Old Skool," "Flashdance,""Finding Forrester," "Higher Learning," "Barbershop," "Skool Daze," "Any Given Sunday," "The Best Man," "Ray," "Four Brothers," "Something New," "Coach Carter," "The Wood," "Daddy's Little Girls," "Prison Song" (BET), "Office Space," "Malcolm X", "R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet, 1-12" (hilarious), "Bad Boys-2," "Book of Love" (BET), "Die Hard with a Vengeance," "Harlem Nights," "Soul Plane," "White Chics," "An Officer and a Gentleman," "Diary of a Mad Black Woman," Bad Boys-2," "You Got Served," "TuPac-Resurrection," "Memoirs of a Geisha"...


"The Wire" (HBO), "Everybody Hates Chris," "Flip this House,"
"Hell Date" (BET)(This show is hilarious.)"Making the Band 4," "Salt N' Pepa" and "Gotti's Way"(VH1 Reality Shows), "America's Next Top Model," Run's House," "Real Time with Bill Maher," "MTV's-The Shop," "Wild'n Out,""American Idol," "106th and Park," "Army Wives," "The Wendy Williams Experience" (LOL), "The Game" (best writing I've witnessed in a long time)"Flavor of Love" (LOL), "Flavor of Love--Charm School" (LOL), "I Love New York" (LOL), "Pros vs. Joes," "I Married a Baller" (TV One--Eddie and Taj are tooooo cute!), "The Office," "Short Circuitz," "Scarborough Country" (MSNBC), "Adventures in Hollyhood" (LOL), "Trading Spouses," "Kimora Lee Simmons-Life in the Fab Lane," "Tucker Carlson" (MSNBC), old skool cartoons ("Woody Woodpecker," "Tom and Jerry," "Looney Tunes"...), "Black Men Revealed" (TV One), "The Young and the Restless," "MADD TV," "Ego Trip's The (White) Rapper Show," "Soul Food-The Series," "As the World Turns," "Sportscenter" (ESPN), "The War at Home," "Chappelle's Show," "DMX-Soul of a Man" (BET), "VH1-Driven," "SNL," "VH1 Soul" Video Channel, "Ice-T's Rap Skool," "Close to Home," "The Simpsons," "Good Times;" "In Living Color" (hilarious!); "Martin"; "The Parkers"; "The Fresh Prince of Belair" (one of the greatest shows ever...); "A Different World", and "Punk'd" (I loved this show!)


"The Bible," "Their Eyes Were Watching God," "The Tao of Pooh," "The Coldest Winter Ever," "The Jordan Rules" (read it straight through in just one night, and it sealed my contemplation over wanting to become a feature sports writer)," "The Secret," "The Catcher and the Rye," "The Pilgrim's Progress," "Tears for Water" (Alicia Keys), "The Norton Shakespeare," "Leaves of Grass" (Walt Whitman), "English Romantic Writers," "The Scarlet Letter"...


Jesus Christ; my Mommie; my Dad
Favorite color? Pink
Hobbies? Writing, interior decorating, dancing, singing, modeling, shopping...
Brothers and/or sisters? 1 brother; 1 sister
Get along with parents? Yes; we're best buds.
Favorite artists/athletes? Mariah Carey, Lupe Fiasco, Jill Scott, Floetry, Alicia Keys, Will Demps, Ray Lewis, and Dwyane Wade
Fears? Hurting God's feelings/letting Him down, slugs, worms, spiders, beetles, blood (other than my own), dirty bathrooms...
Nicknames? Flower Girl, Butterfly Lady, Billie, Giggles, "MB" (And that doesn't stand for "MetaphoricButterfly"; only one person knows what it means. ;) lol), China, Lil' Bubba, Smiley
People mistake you for being? Half Asian or Indian; younger than I really am (looks-wise); Sonja Sohn (Detective Shakima Greggs) from "The Wire"; Nia Long's look-a-like (lol); Toni Braxton when I wear my hair short
Favorite foods? teriyaki/jerk/bbq/marsala/fried chicken wings, sauerkraut, beets, crabs, blackberry pie, collard greens, honey-baked ham, beef rice bowls, Trix cotton candy yogurt, cookie pie with lots of icing, corned beef reubens, okra, cabbage, kimchi, spinach, Mommie's turkey wings, Taco Bell chicken salads, stuffing, white sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, Cap'n Crunch, sweet rice donuts, bread pudding, egg whites (growing up, my brother would eat the yolk, and I'd eat the whites :) ), Panera's Asian salad, chicken and waffles, teriyaki anything, crabs, lobster, Pho soup, shrimp scampi,Trix cereal, Fuddrucker's burgers, scallops wrapped with bacon, Unagi, mango mochi ice cream, peach cobbler, sweet red bean donuts, pepperoni and sausage pizza, fried apples, plums, cherries, mangoes, nectarines, sweet plantains, peaches, sausage patties with syrup, crepes, pancakes...
Favorite drinks? Baskin Robbins'Mango Bold Breeze, Cranberry Juice, White Grape/Peach Juice, Vitamin Water, Fruit Punch, Starbuck's Caramel Frappuccino, Dasani Flavored Water, Banana and Strawberry Soy Drink, Mango Gatorade...
First car? Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera- "Jalen"
Favorite high school classes 11th Grade English; Sex Education; Keyboarding (Thank you, Mrs. Gluck!); Biology; Trigonometry; Spanish...
Favorite college classes Sports Psychology; Film Analysis; Romantic Literature; 17th Century Literature; Shakespeare; Poetry Writing; Senior English 301; Humanism...
Play an instrument? My PC's keyboard; co-workers joke me because they say I look like Alicia Keys playing my intense lol
Typing speed? 130 wpm
Favorite month? May
Dream date? Going to spoken word cafe' and having date dude get on stage and recite a poem to/about me (even if he's terrible with spoken word...the attempt would be so cute) after doing artistic stuff all day like going to an art museum, a play, or even walking through the park admiring God's artistic talents, a.k.a. nature
Most memorable date? Going to the Korean cafe', after church, and seeing my man's face light up when he ate his favorite dish from his homeland and shared/fed it to me. Felt like "Lady and the Tramp" scene, except we're not dogs, and it wasn't spaghetti. LOL. Ah aha ha...'
Best internal qualities in opposite sex? Christian/saved; God-fearing/believing/knowing; good listener/communicator; funny; mentally and emotionally strong; LOVING; humble; unselfish; kind; finishes what he starts; appreciates and values an independent/working woman, as well as a real lady versus a hoe; will expect me to work after marriage and kids because I will be active; a leader but not a dictator; free-spirited; compromises for the common good; down-to-earth; REAL; has a business plan; home-owner; in Lupe's words, understands that I concur with "I don't need to ride yours, I got mine right here" lol; good credit; innovative; fun; intelligent; considerate; driven; competitive; clean/neat; thoughtful; loves, treats, and respects his parents; desires to enhance learning and elevate within his career; open and perspective-minded; understands I like to be tom-boyish sometimes; will accompany me to social affairs and interact with people; believes in self-improvement; encouraging; can be himself around me (burp, fart, and admit when he has to take a dump, 'cause I sure will! lol); bold; about something and not just talking out the side of his neck; sensitive/gentle but not a push-over; organized but spontaneous (oxymoron?); desires and respects a goal-oriented woman with whom he can build; warm; witty; good teacher; smart; mentor; exemplary; has eye for detail; pays attention (not aloof); forgiving;innovative; financially-stable and conscious; sociable; not a substance abuser; desires to grow; college "edumacated"; good with kids; can cook; family-oriented...and that's just the beginning...ha ha hee hee
Best external qualities in opposite sex? nice build; well-groomed (Keep that hair cut short; waves and curls are added bonuses); little facial hair);taller than I am in heels (me in heels, not him! lol); physically fit; pretty teeth/smile; healthy! (the inner shines through the outer being); toned; has a good fashion sense; looks distinguished in anything from eyeglasses to an earring; can wear anything from a jersey/jeans to a 3-piece suit with a matching tie...
Favorite stores? Wet Seal, Macy's, Best Buy, Against All Odds, Eastbay (catalog), Spiegel, Wal-Mart, Finish Line, Target, Victoria's Secret (catalog), Lew Magram, A.B. Lambdin, Carabella, Newport News, Metrostyle, dollar stores, greeting card stores...
Favorite restaurants? P.F. Chang's (everything!), T.G.I.Friday's (Jack Daniels' sampler!), Pho (beef!), Bonefish (salmon with Pan Asian sauce!), McCormick & Schmick's (cuisine, atmosphere, and view!),Babalu Grill (great cultural ambiance and grub!), Red Lobster (cheese biscuits and lobster tails!), UNO (pizza!), Houston's Steakhouse (Hawaiian steak!)...
Tattoos? No, but my birthmark is a butterfly.
Piercings? 1 in each earlobe
Weaknesses? Being too kind or generous; believing in and fighting for people who refuse to believe in or fight for themselves; my sensitivity; being late arriving places because I'm making sure I get something done that could wait until later (e.g. I have to leave with a clean'm not only a member, I'm also the "neat freak" club president. lol. I don't even like trash in the trashcan. Hot mess...I know, I know...)
Pet Peeves/annoyances? When people don't look me in the eye when I'm talking to them; inconsiderateness; when people call out of the blue, only because they want something for themselves; broken promises; transparent envy; reality denial; lack of "thank you" expressions; arrogance; hypocrites (especially judgmental fanatics); when people talk, talk, talk but don't want to hear anything you have to say; when people act like they know me but they don't; when guys say, "Hey, Sexy," or "Hey, Luv," like that's really my curse when they're trying to rap to me...
Hair color? Jet Black (No, I don't dye my hair. :) )
Cool Facts About Yourself? I: have a photographic memory; can hit the high Mariah Carey notes when I sing; smile incessantly (even when I'm mad or sad); snort when I laugh (at times), which makes people crack up at; can crack crab legs with my teeth instead of a mallot; and am known to coordinate my appearance by having my colors and patterns match from my hair flowers to my outfit, coat, socks, shoes, and
Use drugs? Midol, Aleve, Sudafed, Theraflu, and
Purpose of this survey? To answer questions that people tend to ask me in e-mails, just in case I can't answer their e-mails in a timely fashion

My Blog

What it Do

"What it Do" Do you ever wonder why you are Where you are? Why your dreams are oh so near yet, Like an oxymoron, So far? Or like, maybe you don't think. Maybe you just do. What it do. What it do. What...
Posted by MetaphoricButterfly on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:18:00 PST

Common Sense

The qualities that I am seeking, beyond self, cannot be seen by the naked eye nor heard with the ear. They can only be felt. And I have yet to feelin my reality.  My sight and sound have on...
Posted by MetaphoricButterfly on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:00:00 PST