I'm interested in poetry, art, singing, anything creative, music, reading varieties of books, pondering thoughts, animals, and many more. I have a journal that I spend alot of time writing in it. I write about my thoughts, my goals, my fears, my pain, my tears, my dreams, basically my life. I enjoy quiet times with my daughter and my horse. I enjoy reading to her and playing with her. I also enjoy riding my horse as much as I can. Shadow and I are like one. He feels my loneliness and troubles and he takes care of me in ways you might not understand. I always ask the question WHY! Why does it hurt? Why doesn't it stop? Why me? Why is the question! Pain to the unknown, creeps slowly across my heart. Will this tear drop heal my life?Hush little baby don't say a word. ~ Shhhh ~ There are always secrets unheard Secrets that should never be revealed. Are like scars that never heal.
I have one wish and that is to meet my parents again. Even thou I was only three and don't remember much, pictures tell the story of how my life was with them. Seeing me as a happy child innocent and unbroken. I truely can't see past that wish. I know they are looking down and watching me. I also would like to meet a great mind behind the spoken and written word. Content in just sitting back and listening to a poet, I would learn from him or her. Expressing oneself in poetry, is a way to release unwanted pain and suffering and try to bring balance and joy back to my life.
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Amber Anastasia Maria
Birthday:: February 14th, 1989
Birthplace:: Sidney, British Columbia
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Dirty Blonde
Height:: 5 ' 7
Weight:: 102 lbs
Right handed or Left handed?: Right-Handed
Your Heritage:: Not Sure
My Worst Habit:: Making A Mistake In Writing Then Throwing The Paper On The Floor
Zodiac Sign:: Aquarius
Shoe Size:: Size 8
Pants Size:: Size 1
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: Yes, In Heaven
The Shoes You Wore Today:: No Shoes, Just Socks Today
Your Weakness:: My Fears
Your Fears:: I Have Too Many
Your Perfect Pizza:: Cheese And Pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: To Survive With My life
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Don't Have One Yet
Thoughts First Waking Up:: I Am Always Thinking of My Daughter When I First Wake Up
Your Best Physical Feature:: I'm Not Sure
Your Bedtime:: Normally When My Daughter Lays Down I Try To Sleep
Your Most Missed Memory:: My Parents
Favorite color?: Red
Food?: Pizza
Sport?: Basketball & Volleyball
Animal?: Horses
Ice Cream?: Butterscotch
Candy?: Smarties
Store?: Toys R Us - For My Daughter
Salad Dressing?: Ranch
Actor?: I Have Too Many
Song?: Love All Songs
Letter?: B - For My Daughter
Number?: 14 & 15
Gum?: Dentyne
Holiday?: My Daughters' Birthday
Season?: Fall
Toothpaste Flavor?: Any
Radio Station?: Wild 101.1 And Kiss 98.5
Perfume?: I Wear Soft Musk
Scent besides perfume?: My Daughter After I Put Baby Cream On Her
Body part on the opposite sex?: Eyes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Not Sure
How Do You Want To Die?: Peacefully
Turn ons:: A Brilliant Poetic Mind
Turn offs:: Rudeness
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: None
Who's The Loudest?: None
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: My Daughter
Who Have You Known The Longest?: My Mother Angel & My Golden Angel ~ My True Friends ~
Who's The Shyist?: None
When Have You Cried The Most?: All The Time
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being Loved & Loving My daughter
Worst Feeling?: Being Hurt
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Where My New Family Is
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Who I Live With
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Not Sure
Let's walk on the: Right Side Of Life
Let's look at the: Picture as A Whole
What a nice: Day For Poetry
Where did all the: Time Go
Why can't we: Save One Another
Silly, little: Goose Pimple ~ A Book I Read To My Daughter ~
Isn't it weird that: Life Gives You Curves
Never under any circumstance: Let Your Soul Die
I wish: I Was Some Where Else
Everyone has a: Story To Share
I am: The Unknown Tear
Been In Love?: Unfortantely No
Been To Juvie?: No
Mooned Someone?: No
Been Rejected?: Yes
Ran Away From Home?: Yes
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: No
Skipped School?: Yes
Thought About Suicide?: Yes
Slept Outside?: Yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Yes
Cried In School?: Yes
Thrown Up In School?: Yes
Wanted To Be a Model?: No
Cheated On Someone?: No
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Don't Think So
Seen A Dead Body?: Yes
Been Bitched Out?: Yes
Drank Alcohol?: No
Smoked?: No
Been On Drugs?: No
Eaten Sushi?: No
Been On Stage?: No
Gone Skinny Dipping?: No
Shoplifted?: No
Been Drunk?: No
Been Called A Tease?: No
Been Beaten Up?: Yes
Swear?: Yes
Sing Well?: Don't Know
Shower Daily?: Yes
Want To Go To College?: Someday
Want To Get Married?: Someday
Believe In Yourself?: Not Really
Get Motion Sickness?: No
Think You Are Attractive?: No
Get Along With Your Parents?: Can't Answer This One
Like Thunderstorms?: No
Play An Instrument?: No
Own An IPOD?: No
Pray?: All The Time
Go To Church?: No
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: Yes, My Daughters
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yes
Dance In The Rain?: No
Sing In The Shower?: Yes
Pepsi or Coke?: Neither
McDonald's or Burger King?: Neither
Single or Group Dates?: Don't Know
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Both
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Both
Meat or Veggies?: Both But Veggies Better
TV or Movie?: Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Both
Adidas or Nike?: Both
Chinese or Mexican?: Both
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios
or Pie?: Both
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: Neither
Boxers or Briefs?: Both
Do The Splits?: Yes
Write With Both Hands?: Yes
Whistle?: Yes
Blow A Bubble?: Yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Somewhat
Cross Your Eyes?: Don't Think So
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: No, That Hurts
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: No
Dance?: Yes
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Yes
You Touched:: My Daughter
You Talked To On The Phone:: I Don't
You Instant Messaged:: My Mother Angel & My Golden Angel Through Myspace
You Hugged:: My Daughter
You Yelled At:: Myself
You Played A Sport With:: My Daughter ~ Catch ~
Time You Laughed?: Today With My Daughter ~ She Tried To Blow a Bubble And It Popped In Her Face And She Giggled
Time You Cried?: Today
Movie You Watched?: Today ~ One Of The Barbie Movies ~
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Peppermint
Joke You Told?: Haven't
Song You've Sung?: This Little Piggy To My Daughter
Where Are You?: In My Room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Trees
Are You Listening To Music?: Sort Of ~ My Daughter Is Singing
What Are You Wearing?: Lounge Pants And A T-Shirt
What's On Your Mousepad?: Nothing, It's Black
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yes
Do you believe in miracles?: Sometimes
Magic?: No, But My Daughter Does
Love at first sight?: Never Happened Yet So, I Don't KNow
God?: Sometimes
Satan?: Yes
Ghosts?: Yes
Santa?: No, But My Daughter Does
Evolution?: Alittle
Fav Eye Color:: Any
Fav Hair Color:: Any
Short or Long Hair:: Any
Height:: Any
Weight:: Any
Best Clothing Style:: Any
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Paris
Number Of CD's I Own:: 22 I Think
Your Good Luck Charm:: My Daughter
How many pillows do you sleep with?: Two
Do you drink milk?: Yes
Person You Hate Most:: No Comment
Most Outdated Phrase:: Whatever
Do you think God has a gender?: I Think God Is What He Wants To Be
Where do you think we go when we die?: Your Life Will Choose
How many rings until you answer the phone?: None
What is something scientists need to invent?: Time Machines
Are you a health freak?: Not Really
Are you a virgin?: I Can't Answer That
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: The Stars
What is the worst weather?: Thunderstorms
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Don't Remember
How many grades have you failed?: None
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I love all types of music. Anywhere from Rock, R&B, Rap, Alternative, Hip Hop, Pop and more. Some of my favourite bands are 2-Pac, Hinder, Three Days Grace, Hedley, Eminem, 50 Cent, Evanescence, Puff Daddy, LL Cool J, Fergie and many more. Please release me. Let every tear drop be. I'm here waiting. Please bring back that part of me.
I enjoy Action Movies, Comedies, Suspense, Thrillers and many more. I have to many favourites to list. I enjoy all types of movies. My Cries Are Silent. My Pain Is Loud. My Tears Are Unknown.One single touch rips through my skin like a sharp razor. Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes you can't always see the pain someone feels.
Linkin Park - Numb
Add to My Profile | More VideosRascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most
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I enjoy reading alot. Calms me and fills my head with words of life from different worlds. Stepping away from what I know to a world of someone elses stories. I read a variety of books. My favourite author is Dave Pelzer. I enjoy reading poetry, the most from poets like EE Cummings, Robert Herrick, Thomas Hardy, Ruth Burke and many more. My Scars And Tears Are One. Why Do Secrets Hurt So Bad? Why Do Tears Sting? Why Do Scars Not Heal? When Will My Heart Ever Sing? Your secret binds this soul to silence. Your evil rips this soul. How long does this secret last.
To me a hero is someone who would step beyond to help someone else in need. I guess if I had to pick my hero it would be anyone who survives their own demons and secrets and survives to live another day, but also extends their own hand to help another going through pain and suffering. A survivor is a hero to me. Also my daughter is my hero. I learn from her everyday. Her innocence keeps me alive and going. I see through her eyes the future of greatness and safety. She continues to teach me about undying love and that there is hope for the future. I also have two new heros in my life. My Mother Angel And My Golden Angel. They have been my support through my struggles. They are like the parents I never really knew. Their continuing love for each other, their continuing love for my daughter and me is remarkable. Thinking for many years that there is noone that cares about people like that and then one day I was blessed with their love and friendship. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart. I also can't forget all the new friends who have become so important to me over these past few months. You are also my rock on which I stand on. Your love and support has also kept me going. I have learned that there are more friendly angels out there then I ever knew exsisted. Thankyou to all. You know who you are.To be touched by evil hands. To be unblessed by the silence. To bleed with everytime your around. Why do you own me? The beat of my heart should be fighting the dark. But the drop of my tear is heard louder throughout the dark. My fighting ability is gone. Where do I go from here? What Do You See When You Look Into My Eyes? Have I Cried So Much I Lost All My Tears?