Medicine, music, astronomy, and everything inbetween.
lots of people, and some of them can't be brought back.
Dream Theater
Pearl Jam
Deep Purple
Pink Floyd
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Led Zeppelin
The Offspring
Ku-ku band
Various Jazz artists (Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Satchmo, etc)
...and many, many others, too many to be listed here.
Anything that's not a horror or a melodramatic movie with a cheesy ending.
TV makes you dumber. When I watch TV series, I download them; reason for this : NO ADS!
I prefer prose to poetry, though I like both. I read lots of stuff, ranging from sci-fi and fantasy (Dune, Lord of the Rings and such) to the classic works of great writers like Bulgakov, Steinbeck, Hemingway.
Guitarist - Chuck Schuldiner; Doctor - they're mostly fictional :D Mark Greene and Susan Lewis from the E.R. TV series got me into medicine when I was young, so they can be counted as heroes. As a whole : my grandpa.