extreme music,learning form each others, asian women
music maniacs
obviusly not Pop music
shinya tsukmoto
Well,not heroes at all,but i´d like to mention the next indiviuals for standing alone for what they believe...GG ALLIN-( he has no money ,he was a loser but marilyn hanson can surpass him),Kakihara,Sachiko mclean, Piero Manzoni(for selling packaged shit)Tia Carrere( for showing me than arcaheology can be fun¡), Asia Carrera, Steve irwin,Masami akita, Megumi asaoka,Siege(in the beggining there was void then SIEGE came),BEHERIT (for stoping playing balck metal when it becomed a trend),HIRAX ( for doing thrashcore with high-picht tradional heavy metal simging). 13(for being one of the most underrated doom bands ever),ESPLENDOR GEOMETRICO-for being one of the weirdest electhronic duo ever- black guys into metal. early MYSTIFIER line -up.Sakevi Yolohama.The guitar player of BLASPHEMY for being black and wearing a BURZUM pacht, TOMEU PENYA for singing country in a starnge language and reach the goal of playing in Waco.SLEEP for recording Jerusalem and say fuck off to the industry.CATHEDRAL in their beginings.Russ Meyer.ANGELES DEL INFIERNO for having the guts to fly to Mexico ´cuz in Spain aka Ashole land nobody apprecciatte themn enough.BARON ROJO.early RUIDO DE RABIA. HHH.ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE. Risky.El niño Burzum(infamous madridian black metaller), the belly dancer of HAWKIND(ohh does someone knows her name?),Chus Lampreave.Grinding Madness records for having the guts to publish that artwork,Voliac Records per tirar endavant, Mandragora ´zine, per la dedicació del seu editor envers l´underground del metall.