For a good time, drink me!
I am 100 percent barley malt and hops. Some people say, well isn't that what all beer is brewed from? You'd be surprised. Our favorite American beers are brewed with barley hops and malt, but also include lots of adjuncts, primarily rice, corn, and sugar, stuff that makes beer lighter with less alcohol.
See, malt grains need time to ferment into sugar. Waiting the natural duration time of the fermenting process yields a fuller body and more alcohol. Mass produced beers don't have time to spare so the process is sped up by adding sugar cane, which produces less alcohol and a lighter bodied beer. Good things do come to those who wait.
All in all, I'm 100 percent naturally fermented with no shortcuts, no adjuncts, and no preservatives to stunt my growth or skip out on my adolescent years. I've built my alcohol content to 6 percent (strongest brew in Asia might I add), and my hops have a strong after kick.
I'm from Bangkok, Thailand, born in 1933. I like spicy foods and can't stand bland tastes. I need zest and tang. I prefer my pizza with chili peppers, nuclear atomic sauce on my wings, but actually even after 30 years in the states, I still prefer Thai foods.
I came to the states living in Thai restaurants all my life. Now I want to be in bars, parties, clubs, and even supermarkets. I just want to fit in.
For those of you in New York City, Fresh Direct can take me right to your house and we'll party together, get to know each other, and I'll bring my Barry White CDs too. Check it out.
"Thailand has a quite dry, hoppy, flavorful lager, Singha, to go with its delicately spiced foods." -Michael JacksonDoes that mean he likes me? Anyway, who cares. Send your Singha Beer photos and we'll show him how good we are!
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