About Me
My name iz Ralph Redd better know az the Z!g~Zag Mann born in Kansas City, Mo. came out to San Diego at the age of 4.Been writing muzic since I waz 11 yrs old grew up liztening to R&B,Soul and Hip Hop muzic.My early Influence'z are Smokey Robinson,Prince,Morris Day,El De'Barge,RFTW,New Edition,Force M.D.'s,Full Force,Keith Sweat, Guy,Sugar Hill Gang,Kool Moe Dee,Run-DMC,Whodini,Kurtis Blow,Beastie Boy'z,Fat Boy'z,Heavey D & The Boy's,Doug E. Fresh & The Get Fresh Crew,Boogie Down Production's,Public Enemy,U.T.F.O. and LL Cool J.My Biggezt Influence iz West Coast muzic raized in Sunny San Diego down in the Low Bottom'z of Cali since I waz four yrs old.I love that Southern California Style & Sound like Too Short, Ice T,King Tee,Rodney O & Joe Cooly,Tone Loc,N.W.A.,Snoop Dog,Tupac(RIP),E-40,Mac Dre(RIP),Suga Wolf and Sugar Free.I started doing talent show'z at 12 - 16 year'z of age at school, Sweetwater Skating Ring,park'z and the street'z.With no Father in the home and a single Mother working all the time day & nite,I fought another talent "making money" in the mid & late 80's it waz real crucial for young teen'z in living in the State of Californa.Cracc sale'z were very lucrative and in Southern California Gang Bangin waz already a way of life so I ended up droping out of school to attend too the street'z.No matter what I waz going through in life,I alway'z manage to stay with my writing even while I waz doing time in prizon which really started me in think of getting seriouz with my muzic.Spending the whole 90's in & out of incarceration delayed my process of being successful az a Rap Artizt.In 98' when I dizcharged from parole it waz time too make that move starting recording with Camelot Production's my Boy Poon recorded my firzt single "Keep it Pimpin" work'd on some other project'z,but ended up getting caught up again on that "Money Chaze".Paroled once again in 2003 determined too make it happen started recording with a co-worker Rapper/Producer Ant Boogie.Made afew song'z like "D!g Deep","Fuccin with them bitch'ez","Get yo' cheeze" and "Beat it up" under my label D!g Deep Entartainment.Thing'z didn't go az plan Ant Boogie wanted too do hiz own thing and mozt Importantly,I had too continue doing mine.Hook up with my cousin Baby zig zagg and The Gathering late in 2005 brought in some homie'z from around the way Like Mink Loco,Gizmoe,Licwit,D-Stone,Ice Kream,Money Mark,Baby 2 Mann & Role and call it the "The Gathering Crew".Releazed our firzt album together called "The Game Iz Open" in 2006 under D!g Deep Entertainment ft.Bounce,Big Ron,Kruelty,Baby zig zagg,D-Stone,Role,Gizmoe,Mink Loco,Licwit and myself (Z!g~Zag) with song'z like "Cheddar Chazen","Overcome the flood'z","Street'z of Garbage","Go down","Hotezt of the hot","Where ya' hand'z at" and a re-mix to "Beat it up".Due too power tripping over who song'z should be played during show'z the crew ended az fazt az it got started finding myself starting all over once again.Piccing up the piece'z az a Solo Artizt in 2006 started doing show'z under my street and stage name Z!g Zag still Reprezenting D!g Deep Entertainment.Performing at local Hip Hop club'z in the San Diego area like Dream Street "Live",Bricc by Bricc,Static Lounge,Epicenter,Shooter'z,Tijuana,Houze of Tina'z,Bobby'z Place,San Diego Sport'z Club and any place that had open mic.Hook up with my Turf Homie Roc'n Ron late in 2006 a pioneer in the San Diego Rap game along with cat'z like Gangxsta Ern(RIP),Green Eye'z,Big June,Cricet and D.J.L.(LIL CS)I mean theze guy'z were trying too put San Diego Rap muzic on the map before alot of theze fool'z were riding bike'z and too see my Big Homie still doin it iz blezzing too me like they say "alway'z hold on too your dream'z and never surrender".D!g Deep Entertainment releazed it'z second CD in the Summer of 2007 called "Sign Language" throw yo' Dubb'z up! a Compilation album from the Southern Mozt on the West Coast cat'z from San Diego like Mink loco,Licwit,Battleram,Macc Marc,Da Union,Young Cayoz,Bay loc,Dago's Most Wanted,Baby zig zagg,C-Siccness & J-Loone.2008 working on a album called "Clozed Gate'z" by Z!g~Zag & Roc'n Ron under D!g Deep Entertainment.My whole goal iz too put San Diego where it should be in the Rap Game it'z a shame that we are the second Biggezt in the state of California next to Los Angeles and we are not really recognized az contributer'z to the Hip Hop Game.I hear alot of cat'z talking about they are the King of San Diego and my thing iz your not the King until you win a Grammy and that'z the page I'm on winning a Grammy for the Town.Once,I get where we should be,I wanna bring it bacc to Dago and help other'z get in the Game alzo be a part of All Communitiez not juzt in San Diego,but all over where help iz needed one thing about D!g Deep iz we are like Life we touch everything meaning we are not juzt about our inner Circle we are about all People if your real no matter if your Blood,Crip,White,Mexican,Asian it don't matter Real recognized the Real no matter where you go(real talk).a href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.v
iewprofile&friendid=174695590" target="_blank"
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