I L u v M y B a b y G i r l E m m y
*Hey I'm Amber aka Ambizzle, Amtron, Tiny Legs, Mexi and last but not least Lair Keeper (dont ask)*()!*I'm 20 on that home stretch to 21 and hating every damn minute of it*()!*Ur reading this and I most likely dont know you*()!*I have great friends*()!*I have big hair that changes colors and styles like every other month, u love it*()!*My fav color is pink and my fav number is 18, dont know why*()!*I get along with almost everyone but trust me you will know if ur on my bad side*()!*Im a BAMF*()!*I love me some Dane Cook, I think I'd pee a little bit if I ever met him*()!*I can probably kick ur ass*()!*I have an ex who claims I punched him in the face*()!*I love my pups Emmy and Kadie*()!*I use more hairspray than any one person should*()!*I love MAC makeup and Forever 21 even more*()!*My best friends name is bone crusha, try and fuck with me*()!*Im obsessed with Nip/Tuck*()!*I love movies*()!*I love working out even more*()!*I love my hair and clothes way too much*()!*I love you*()!*I love a guy that can make me laugh but tend to go for the assholes, go figure*()!*I'm little but loud*()!*I'm going to school to be a grade school teacher, wouldnt u want to stay after class ;)*()!*I hate guys that ask if my boobs are real and hate it even more when they ask if they can see them, not happening*()!*I want to find the guy who said it was ok for dudes to wear girl pants and eye liner and punch him in the nuts*()!*I love classic rock*()!*I love rocking out at concerts (band slut)*()!*A guy who can sing has my heart*()!*I'm a daddy's girl*()!*I most likely wont remember ur name the first 6 times we meet so dont get pissed its nothing personal*()!*Most people my age arent on my level*()!*My cousin Shawna and I are so much alike its scary*()!*People text me WAY too much*()!*My best guy friend is Mitch, hes like a brother to me*()!*I collect anything Marilyn Monroe**If you can think of anything else to ask me thats amazing and a little creepy granted this is MySpace*..
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
Tom Petty Lyrics .. Tom Petty Music Codes Music Codes by SongArea.comSkynyrd, Shinedown, Trapt, Tom Petty, Clapton, Panic at the Disco, Pink Floyd, Fall Out Boy, Stone Sour, Godsmack, James Blunt, Hinder, Crossfade....just to name a few.
* S t a y i n g O u t O f T h e T a b l o i d s F o r N o w * (some of you know what im talking about)I love movies!! Some of my favorites are Saving Silverman, Friday After Next, Super Troopers, Anchorman, Saving Private Ryan, The Notebook, Donnie Darko, Blade (all of them are great!), Spanglish, Remember the Titans, Ice Age, Sixteen Candles, Scarface, Mean Girls, Me Myself and Irene, 40 Year Old Virgin.....the list goes on!!
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown (yes very boring)
Hair Color:: naturally dark brown but it changes a lot
Height:: 5 foot even
Favorite Color:: Pink
Screen Name:: HottSawce04
Favorite Band:: Toss up between Skynyrd and Dave Matthews (yea I said it)
Favorite Movie:: Saving Silverman (gotta stick with it)
Favorite Show:: Nip/Tuck...the Real World is close
Your Car:: Well I have a Chevy S10...now can I actualy drive it right now....not so much
Your Hometown:: Bellevegas
Your Present Town:: Fairview Heights
Your Crushes First Name:: My crush....what the hell are we still in grade school...
Your Grade:: ..........I'm not even gonna touch this one
Your Style:: I was just talking about this actually...I dont really have a certain "style"
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Not mine no, but I did party on the rooftop of an old radio station a couple months ago....bad choice.
Kissed someone in the rain?: Sure have
Danced in a public place?: Um yes....probably shouldn't have but sometimes u just have to to dance
Smiled for no reason?: everyday
Laughed so hard you cried?: And peed a lil
Peed your pants after age 8?: weird.....
Written a song?: Nope
Sang to someone for no reason?: I rap/talk but aparently I'm not that good
Performed on a stage?: Cant say that I have
Talked to someone you don't know?: Who hasn't...
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: No, u shouldnt have to go out of ur way for anyone
Made out in a theatre?: No...weird I thought everyone is supposed to do that one time in their lives...or is that have sex? I always get those confused ;)
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: I was supposed to last Friday but I didn't...biggest regret of my life so far.
Been in love?: puppy love
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My Mom
Tell you, I love you?: Once again..mom :)
Kiss you?: That would be Jake
Hug you?: Jake the Snake
Tell you BYE?: Jake...woah can I have another answer please
Write you a note?: Little Timmy in the 3rd grade.....ass
Take your photo?: Hmmm I think it was Mitch
Call your cell phone?: Jake
Buy you something?: My mom bought me shampoo and hairspray today....does that count
Go with you to the movies?: Hey here's an answer I bet you wont expect...Jake!
Sing to you?: Justin (AND IM FREEEEEEEEE FREE FALLIN) what a drunken idiot
Write a poem about you?: No poems that I know but someone (who's name will go unmentioned) said he wrote a song about me...highly doubtful
Text message you?: Dont have text messaging ne more thank God
Touch you?: Ummm Duke licked my face.......
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Last night when Jake shot snot out of his nose while taking a shot...he cant hang
Time you cried?: Like last week or something talking about my grandpa
Movie you watched?: The Grudge 2
Joke you told?: I told my grandpa a joke when he was in the hospital
Song you've sang?: Skynyrd "simple man"
Time you've looked at the clock?: Well damn just now at 12:55 am
Drink you've had?: Alcoholic:Long Island, Non-Alcoholic:Green Tea with Citrus
Number you've dialed?: My Voicemail
Book you've read?: Another Door Opens
Food you've eaten?: An apple...fuckin diet
Flavor of gum chewed?: winterfresh
Shoes you've worn?: black heels
Store you've been in?: Crown Optical
Thing you've said?: Put the fucking shoe down duke!
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: yup
Blow a bubble?: yup
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ........
Cross your eyes?: uh huh
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance?: i'd like to think so but most likely no
Gleek?: what
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: easily
Speak a different language?: nope
Impersonate someone?: sure can
Prank call people?: more like drunk dial
Make a card pyramid?: hmm dont think i've ever tried
Cook anything?: im a fantastic cook
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: bird I'd fly far far away from here....jenny.
I wish ...: this survey was over....o and March 29th would just hurry up and get the fuck here.
So many people don't know that ...: I say fuck a lot....o wait...
I am ...: ready for this survey to be done....
My heart is ...: fragile so break it and i'll break ur fucking face. =)
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My Dad, he is the most important person in my life and I have never respected someone as much as I do him. He's not perfect but he has always tried to be the best father he could, I have seen him rise from rock bottom and work harder than ever to make sure my brother and I never have to hurt or do without again. He puts everyone before himself and never even asks for a thank you in return. He is the greatest man I will ever know. I love you dad.My Grandpa because he lived his life to the fullest everyday down to the last day he was alive, the man was still cracking jokes on his death bed....amazing. He was more than any Grandaughter could ever ask for. I'll miss the St.Louis Santa Claus and Jean Jean The Dancing Machine. I know you're with me everyday and I'll keep you in my heart. Love you g-pa.