The most amazing man I have ever laid eyes on.....Batista....enough said.Dane Cook is also pretty funny and I have already met the coolest person ever.....Ambizzle fo shizzle..navbar {visibility:visible;} .navbar font {visibility:hidden;} table td div div font {visibility:hidden;} img {border:0px;} .blacktext10 { border-top-width:1px; border-bottom-width:0px; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-color:000000; border-style:solid; display:block; width:260px;}body, textarea, div { scrollbar-face-color:ffffff; scrollbar-highlight-color:000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color:ffffff; scrollbar-shadow-color:D40003; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:D40003; scrollbar-arrow-color:EEDE00; scrollbar-track-color:ffffff; }
I like a lot of different music. Shinedown, Rob Zombie, GodSmack, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Disturbed, and Metallica are just a few of my favorites.
The Marine, all the Saw movies, School of Rock, all of the final destination movies,the chronicals of riddick, a few to name.
Wrestling, Reba, Inked, Chris Angel, anything on MTV...thats about it.
Amber of course!