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About Me

My cat is fairly convinced that he is a dog. I used to own (and sport) a pair of jungle-print parachute pants that I would tight-roll at the bottoms. I hate hate hate gum. HATE! I'm serious, I hate it with an undying passion. I've recently renewed my dancing fool status after a 6-year hiatus. I am and always have been an avid hater of most reality tv shows. Jesus is the center of my universe. I don't live my life perfectly, but I'm covered by grace and amazed daily. I hate that it's become so institutionalized, and I'm out to break the manmade mold wherever I can. I had a diagnosed phobia of vomit that affected my every-day life for 13 years. I wish I knew how to surf. I think I want to try as many extreme activities as I can, but it's possible I may chicken out on the ledge of the plane at 40,000 feet. I have an weird obsession with flying (every year before my 10th birthday I would secretly wish over my candles that one day I could just "up and away" like Superman), and I usually have at least one flying dream a night (which is of course my favorite dream to have). I need to get my pilot's license one day. Also I used to have an unhealthy fascination with tornados. I'm still intrigued by them, and I still become overly excited under green mammatus clouds. I recently got the gift of drawing miraculously and it has not left me yet. I am planning on attending film school in Hawaii next year and then going into documentaries...perhaps in Africa. I once spent an unwarranted weekend alone in jail and was charged with a felony (but I was not at fault and the charge was dismissed). Although I was the punk rock anti-spirit chick all through school, I almost married a male cheerleader in college. I suppose the opposites attract theory is vaguely true. My short-term memory is for crap, but somehow my long-term memory is nearly superb (my earliest memory is from infancy), and I am great at recalling faces. I'm a big fan of stand-up comedy. More specifically: Louis CK, Zach Galifianakis, Pablo Francisco, Eddie Murphy, Mitch Hedberg, Steven Wright, Brian Regan, Dane Cook, and others. I have never traveled further West than New Orleans in the States. I am dying to see the Grand Canyon. As of January 2007 I've finally traveled out of the country (to England and Tanzania), not including the third world country I went to as a child, where I kept my game face on around the starving, diseased and naked beggars in town until I saw the first starving, diseased canine, where I immediately broke down in sobs...which brings me to my next item. I'm sort of one of those animal people. I'm drawn particularly to cats, possibly because there's always been a cat living with me my whole life. Um. I am a big fan of board games and jigsaw puzzles. I am absolutely terrified of roaches...I would more quickly be assaulted by a spider than be touched by a palmetto bug. I once was a member of an elite neighborhood New Kids On The Block fanclub, and I was Joey MacIntyre's 10-year-old female counterpart, pre-determined to be his wife. Joey never replied to my letters or my homemade dedication music video, so I finally threw out my 10" ceramic Joey heart throb button and moved onto Sean Astin (Memphis Belle era). Throughout the years following, my celebrity crushes shifted from Rikki Rockett to Eddie Furlong to Michael Schoeffling to Keanu Reeves to Brad Pitt to Jason London to Billy Joe Armstrong, and finally settled on a contemporary top 5 (minus the creepy reservations, of course). When I get really frightened my eyes water. Most ghost stories make my eyes water, however they fascinate the pants off me. Heh. Pants. There is something so majestic about clear ocean water over white sand, and I got to live the dream and swim in it off the coast of Tanzania (look at my pics, there's on in there). I was the district spelling bee champion for two consecutive years in grade school. Shut up. I used to be a flute virtuoso. SHUT UP! I also got to play violin for Queen Elizabeth (and totally saw Downtown Julie Brown in her infamous black pinstripe points redeemed). I cannot swallow pills. In college I finished an entire crossword puzzle book every week (cool points lost). I love childish bodily function humor, and there's not a whole lot I appreciate more than someone who can tell me a funny poop story. I hate the following words for no apparent reason: asbestos, delicious, lipid, & undulate. Take a wild guess what my favorite word is. I have never been stung, and I have never broken a bone nor sprained anything more than a toe. And I am an epitomist dweeb, but by now you already know that.

My Interests

The smell of burning matches, Trinity Vineyard, breakfast, pants (and I do mean the word, not the object), music, people who get me, maintaining a severe love/hate relationship with evil feline supervillain Captain Hazel Hank Murphy, bloody marys, movies, stumping people at the movie quote game (even though my catalogue of quotes, although sharply honed, is rather selective and needs some broadening), drawing, film, Texas Hold 'Em, "what if" scenarios, photography, music, taking jokes too far, random arts/crafts, camping/hiking (even though I don't get to do it nearly enough), good conversation, music, being a total brat (thanks, Dad), having other people to be total brats with, being a total dork (thanks, Mom), having other people to be total dorks with, being a total badass (thanks, Grandpa), kickboxing ( it again for good measure and beware the fist), did I mention music?

I'd like to meet:

People mostly.


Too much to cover.


American History X, Garden State, The Whole 9 Yards, Lord Of The Rings, Brainscan, Neverending Story, Braveheart, Better Off Dead, Office Space, Dirty Work, Wet Hot American Summer, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Elizabethtown, Phantom of the Opera, Invisible Children, Napoleon Dynamite, The Baxter, Junebug, Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead, Blow, The Matrix, The Princess Bride, Chronicles Of Narnia, Funny Farm, Edward Scissorhands, Dumb And Dumber, Spaceballs, Vanilla Sky, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Anchorman, The Heavenly Kid, Old School, etc.


Space Ghost Coast To Coast, Sealab 2021, Family Guy, Home Movies, The State, Kids In The Hall, old SNL, South Park, Simpsons, Scrubs (most importantly)


Christopher Pike was a serious pre-teen affair.
Now I've been working through some CS Lewis stuff, John Piper, Brennan Manning, John/Stasi Eldridge, etc. Oh, and I just read two books in one week by different authors to fuel my sudden phantom obsession. I read the original by Gaston Leroux and then the sequel Phantom of Manhattan by Fredrick Forsyth (I don't recommend it).
Still working through the Bible.


Jesus saves me every day

My Blog

Yard Sale 3/22 for my school fundraising! Pleeeease come!

Posted by Lacie on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 07:44:00 PST

From the School of Digital Filmmaking

Dear Lacie, You have been accepted in the School of Digital Filmmaking 2008. We are thrilled to have you in the next school and we hope that you shareour excitement. Expect a very intense school and s...
Posted by Lacie on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:21:00 PST


Thank you GOD, this was finally posted somewhere. One of my alltime favorite SNL skits... Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Lacie on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 11:49:00 PST

L. Ron Hubbard, eat your heart out

There's a new egomaniacal fiction fanatic on the block....Human race will 'split into two different species' By NIALL FIRTH - More by this author ยป Last updated at 16:18pm on 26th October 2007 The hu...
Posted by Lacie on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 12:59:00 PST

Why weren't books this cool when I was a kid?

There's a whole freaking series on a farting dog! What?We hold this truth to be self-evident: farting makes kids laugh. Walter, an apologetic-looking dog adopted from the pound, passes gas morning, n...
Posted by Lacie on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:16:00 PST

January DTS 2007 - Holmsted Manor, England

Posted by Lacie on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 04:49:00 PST

YWAM Benefit Show! Please come!

I'm having a benefit show to raise support for my 6-month trip overseas for YWAM on Tuesday, December 12th at Smith's Olde Bar. There will be a ton of bands and a ton of stuff to give away with raffle...
Posted by Lacie on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST

City Lights and a Song In The Air

Driving home tonight, I took in all that I passed, from the smallest drifting leaf to the highest skyscraper. So much of what I saw represented home to me. Familiar things I have grown used to seeing ...
Posted by Lacie on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 08:38:00 PST

YARD SALE November 18!!!

Hosted By: Julie Almand & Lacie KlugelWhen: Nov 18 2006 (time not determined yet, but it'll probably be a day-long thing)Where: 890 Woodland CourtStone Mountain, GA 30087USDescription: Julie and I are...
Posted by Lacie on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 07:49:00 PST

What if it happened to you?

Last night I had a dream. Although some of it was surreal, I was given a very clear glimpse into the lives of those who lost their homes in Hurricane Katrina. And it is SO much worse than my conscie...
Posted by Lacie on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST