Robert Maeder profile picture

Robert Maeder


About Me

My new amp yall......Hi...My name is Robert Im the lead singer and guitarist in M.T.F & GOD MACHINE to find out more about these bands CLICK ON THE LINKS JUST BELOW ON MY FRIENDS PAGE AND ADD THEM BOTH GOD DAMN IT!! I was born and raised in Southern California, Currently living in Seattle Washington. Im into writing, recording, and playing music....heavy music at that...To find out more about my band M.T.F go to.... WWW.MTFMUSIC.COM..... can check out my other band..... GOD MACHINE at are currently recording a new full length album. pLEASE LOOK FOR THAT COMING OUT Early 2007!!I love recording in my Studio, playing live! and just havein've good times and a little scotch damn it all! No stress, no Jerry Springer shit, Im just eazy like a Sunday morning! Low key and intelligent!.....Im very laided back, free of stress and drama, confident, never get caught up in the ol' "he said she said" shit...AND I PAY NO MIND TO RUMORS OR SHIT TALKERS...I BLAZE MY OWN TRAIL, EITHER LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME ALONE ...cause thats how I it should be does!!...............on that note I will add "I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later."......

My Interests


Member Since: 10/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:M.T.F -.....bASS , Bloody - ......dRUMS , Sunit - .....gUITAR , Jeff - .....vOCAL/gUITAR , Robert - .................................................. GOD MACHINE - ........bASS , Bloody - ......dRUMS , Keith - .......gUITAR , Jason - ......vOCALS/gUITAR , Robert -
Sounds Like: ..

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

one side of the story

This is in no way related to my current situation, however I read some things today about moments that happened in my recent past. I have to say its kind, it is, funny and twisted, how certa...
Posted by Robert Maeder on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:37:00 PST