Life would not be worth living without: SNEAKY music fashion textiles air travel SURFING comics books FOOD YOGA OSAKA IN DA HOUSE!!! KL! KL! KL! BR1STOL FAMILY DOGS The mighty Indian Ocean
I would like to meet Opiniated Thinking people who enjoy a toke,a good read, good food, good music,dogs and an element of danger in their lives. However, NO MILITARY/macho types with shaven chests.
too many, too much, too little space!
GIRL FIGHT, FIGHT CLUB, LA HAINE, SIN CITY, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, Eternal Sunshine of The SPotless Mind, MAn Bites Dog, good horror, fu films, animation.
I try not to suck on the cathode ray nipple but am partial to documentaries, good comedy, animation and certain series like 6ft Under
chuck palahniukdave eggersjonathan amesJonathan safran foerSE HintonAugusten Burroughs
Shot at 2007-07-20
Lisa AndersonBetty PageIsabella BlowO-Ren IshiiKat von D
Shot at 2007-07-20Isamu Noguchi