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LOUD Music,...Latex,...Fetish models.....Burlesque strippers,...
I love corsets...black leather, pvc.....and rubber of course,...Heavy rubber ;) Interests,..I've got lots....
gothic style period clothing. My passion is Antique furnature, mmm the smell of old wood,...(I'd love to work in an Antique shop - i'd be in heaven). I have so many interests,..Old Egypt fascinates me,....I'm interested in archaeology,..unearthing the past has always fascinated me!!!! would be my dream job, the excavation of sites, and the analysis of physical remains,..relics, dinosaurs,...wow!. (OK i sound like a nerd now- nee matter) Im also an Art lover, Dante Gabrielle Rossetti, was the greatest Pre-Raphelite painter ever!!!! His paintings are hypnotic, beautiful, dreamy, and vibrant - look at the bottom of my page - 'heroes' and there he and some of my favourite paintings are....
Rockers,....Gothites,.....Vampires,.....Witches.....Weirdo's ......punksters,.........Rubber lovers....and Madonna and Supergirl. border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" The colourful interesting alternative People that make life worth living.....and a man dressed like this :P (PHWOOOOOOOAAAARR!!!!!) THIS WOMAN!!! RUBBERDOLL,..IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS....SEXY! " .. enableJavaScript="false" ........ width="425" height="350" ....
I like ALL kinds of music,...mainly mad loud banging tunes,...Nine inch nails (Excellent!!!!).... Marilyn Manson (Fk i love his tunes),.....The prodigy...still never tire of their old classics! I'm an old raver at heart. :P Skindred, Arktic Monkeys, Audioslave, Queen, Opera and classical music...fav opera Madamme Butterfly --brings a tear to my eye when sang so beautifully by Maria Callas......Nessun Dorma(The original version-not Pav's) Mazzy Star,...fade into you,..mmm nice tune,...and sweet Jane,....I love old Velvet Lungs Nat King Cole,(my fav tune by Nat is 'Smile' what a beautiful song). A bit of Queen,..fav - Don't stop me now,..love it!...always singing it around the house (or trying to) I like musicals- I love 'Music of the Night' when sang by Colm Wilkinson,...oh where do i start,..theres too much to list,..i'll have to come back and finnish this bit.
Gone with the wind,...simply because its ALWAYS a treat to gaze upon Vivienne Leighs spellbinding beauty,...those eyes! goddamn! shes a lil firecracker! The most beautiful woman i ever saw...If i could look like anyone, it would be her without a moments hesitation- Classic beauty. ...ok,...My fav horror film so far has got to be 'The Descent',....excellent movie! if you've not seen it, i recomend, 'I also like the hills have eyes' - (new one, haven't seen the old one) 'The Thing' its old but it still makes me cringe esp the dog scene, i can watch humans killed and tortured in films, but i get upset when its animals no matter how silly the story or effects :P but human blood is good. 'wolf creek' I like true romance- Pulp Fiction ---most of Quentin Tarrantino films, but not hostel- i was hoping for something much better from Mr.T. all of the old hammer house horror films,..... Superstition, (aka) The witch ..that was scary shit- i watched it when i was 9 -- had me afraid of the witch on the stairs for years...the music score in it,...aggghhhhh!!!!! Hellraiser...oh there's so many to list here...all of old Dracula movies,...(loved Bram Stokers Dracula with Gary Oldman) I loved watching christopher Lee and Peter Cushing............. 'The Amitiville horror' 'Friday the 13th' 'Nightmare on Elm Street' and all the old slasher movies,...most Zombie flicks..if its horror i'll watch it- but not real snuff shit! I don't understand people who view soldiers getting their heads sewn off,...it's sick!!!!............ The wicked Lady with Margaret Lockwood - I love old black and white movies and the gorgeous perfectly groomed beautys that star in them!...I'll watch anything with Betty Davis! She's feisty and a lil crazy. 'Truly Madly Deeply' was a good film,..I had a bit of a crush on Alan Rickman after watching it (?:0)...I'll only watch 'The Fly' to ogle at Jeff Goldblums glorious 6'4 sexy manly physique :o (and 'The lost world' when he's in head to toe leather :D aaagghh! Theres something very naughty about that man)....'Carry on' films, we'll i'm a Brit,...we love slap and tickle humour,....'Cabaret' 'Moulin Rouge' 'The colour Purple' makes for uncomfortable viewing,....i watch it with my throat in agony,...you know the feeling when your trying to fight back a tear - not wanting to look like an idiot....but the worst torture for me would be made to sit through watership down,...how sad do i sound. Theres NO way i'll ever watch that again,...haha! If i'm staying in watching a dvd,..it'll be a horror movie...(Ideal man, Jeff Goldblum in the fly - phwoarrrr!!!! What a body,..tall dark handsom and 100% sexy. I was in my element watching him in Jurassic park,..head to toe leather,...mm-mmm. I've a very odd sense of humour and most so called comedy films fail to make me laugh,....old classics like 'Stir Crazy' anything with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor! I love Willy Wonka with Gene,..he has such a crazy look about him....Looking at him just makes me smile :D Any Tim Burton films...films films films,...I could go on and on and on and on......... If you want to give your eyes a real treat,...visit the above site,..thats where most of my pictures on my profile are from...Amazing Artwork!
Ten years younger,..(what a laugh)......Wife Swap, (funny!)......Real-life Documentrys,....You are what you eat,..... Life of Grime,...(V.Sad) errr... trash t.v :) .. border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....
Henry Miller....Sexus nexus plexus,....hot! ---his writing is fantastic,...he wrote this smutty trilogy in the 1800's,....caused an almighty pannic,...they burned his books!! shame really because yes its risque....but that isn't the beauty of these books -he's a brill philosopher,......erm,...Charlie Dickens,...where would we be without his brilliant work Great Expectations,....a christmas carol,...oliver,....wow wadda guy! The Brontes,...'cmon,..credit where its due!!! "Why- i say Mr. Darcy,..is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me",.....hehe! ;) and of course the one and only Mr.Willy - yay,...ye may mock.......but where would we hear such Fabulous old English such as "Come, night! come, Romeo! come, thou day in night! For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night, Whiter than new snow on a raven's back. Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night, Give me my Romeo: and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night, And pay no worship to the garish sun"............phew,...like music to the ears,...Bloody gorgeous,.....nobody,...nobody does it like him! my fav Shakespear story,..got to be Othello and Romeo and Juliet. oh and a Midsummer nights dream,..the fawns the faries,...ahhhhhhhh magical!!!!..............J.R.R Tolken!....The Hobbit,...and the lord of the rings trilogy,....Oscar wilde,....I love the picture of Dorian Grey,...and his quotes,...."In married life three is company and two none",..."All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That is his"...."Never trust a woman who tells one her real age,..a woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything"............Another Quote, another man,...Karl Marx : "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
My daughter.