oli profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

IM A GIGOLOHOLICWho I'd like to meet: If you have information on Maddy please use the phone numbers above and do not try and make contact through MySpaceNO BAND REQUESTS PLEASE THEY WILL BE IGNORED UNLESS IT BRITISH RAVE MUSIC IE BAD COMPANY,THE RATPACK,THE SASNO HATERS- IF HAVE HAD A LOT OF ABUSE FROM 1 COMPLETE BELLEND BECAUSE I INSTALLED A JASSMINE JAMES BANNER TO MY SITE.YOU KNOW WHO U R AND ANYMORE I WILL GET YOU EXPELLED FROM HOTMAIL AND I MIGHT SEND YOU A VIRUS(BE WARNED).IF YOU DONT LIKE MY FRIEND SELECTION THEN JOG ON AND NO UNDER 18's.I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGISE TO JASSMINE JAMESgive us a month 21 think about my page at da mo its in infant stage ie no background im no good at dis sorta thing GIVE US A MONTH. Soon i will have a backgrounds on various patches,a music player on the site WITH 10 TUNES 4 NOW and the videos in a drop box so the videos r not just in a line i also need to put mc names in the appropriate videos.ANYONE NOW HOW 2 DO THEM PLEASE LET ME KNOW also i wanna c wagwan wid thisd site.Im a 22 year old ducter/labourer from round da Slough/Uxbridge regions that works on various building sites all over the U.K mainly London and the Southern regions as a sub contractor, but at the moment waiting for some work with my company. I live with my family at home, there's me,Mum,Dad,Holly(Sister) and our pet dog CharlieI consider myself friendly,polite,helpful,a bit shy,caring,intelligent and off the wall crazy. I love pranks and jokes and am always thinking up new and different pranks to play and say.Im good with my hands if though a little impatient and my fingers are getting fatter,it's im my blood,my Dad and his Dad are shit hot with their hands as well as being talented carpenters/woodworkers, and between them they can do almost anything.As my Dad was in the building trade i followed suit.My Mum is a loving, caring, compassionate person that has been caring for people less advantaged than us for over 30 years ranging from 9 months to 90 years old. This means that for most of my life I have been around people with such disabilities as M.S to Down's syndrome and other conditions that most people have never heard of(just because someone can't walk or talk doesn't mean to say they are stupid or thick I'M TELLING YOU SO DON'T JUDGE THEM)Likes:Music,television,girls in pvc and fetish clothing,fetish scene,people you can talk to,opened minded people,the goth lookDislikes:Burgers,Body odour,really sweatty people(usually heavy drinkers),bad table manners,bad toilet manners,really ignorant people,sucking teeth
HOT Myspace Layouts
Oli O Says... Firstly life is too short to stress out. second im not ignorant third i aint no turd fourth there must be a lot of lawmans bout coz every 1 judges")} " ..="this.form.postImage.select()" ..="this.form.postImage.select()" /www.youtube.com/oliosgood www.myspace.com/oliosgood www.tagged.com/oliosgood www.../oliosgood [email protected]

Myspace help

I changed my profile with help from pYzam
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

socialising,listening to music,pubbing n clubbin,dj ing(not much good at da mo),watching T.V

I'd like to meet:

[img]http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/7/4/1237826/mc%20det% 20-%20Hit%20%27Em%20High.mp3[/img] [url=http://www.fileden.com]Free file hosting from File Den![/url]anyone that aint michaela(slagh)

" /ON MYSPACE-People with fetishes,open minded people,dnb heads,garage heads,old skool music loversIN GENERAL-Ryan Maloney-TOADIE from neighbours,Bianca Beauchamp,Martin Perrault,Bill Clinton,The Rock,Stone cold Steve Austin,Rooney(the wonder kid),Susan Wayland,Bruce Willis,Richard Branson,Eminem,a billionaire sexy lady to marry lol,


I listen to everthing but my main music is rave and hip hop ,drum and bass DJ'S Nicky Blackmarket,Mickey finn,Brockie,Hype, Kenny Ken, Mampi Swift,Playa,Zinc,Bad Company,Pendulum, MC'S Shabba,mc skibadee,Fatman D.Eksman,Mojo,Herbzie,Riddla,Mojo ,happy hardcore,old skool,Girls Aloud,Madonna,the Fratellis,the Streets, Lady Sovereign,Elvis,Black Eyed Peas,The Beatles,Queen,Pin,Eminem,D12, I LISTEN TO ALL SORTSA MUSICSkibadee featuring MC Det & Shabba - Stamina

|MC Shabba d - No Gunz


|Hype @ Godskitchen Global Gathering

|Crissy Criss (BBC Radio 1)

|lady sovereign love me or hate me


|Rihanna vs Ying Yang Twins Mash-up (DJ Mashup)

Add to My Profile |Motley Crue vs Lady Sovereign (DJ Schmolli)

|Run D.M.C. Vs Jason Nevins---It's Like That

Add to My Profile | More Videoseminem

Add to My Profile | More VideosInformer

Add to My Profile |Rihanna - Umbrella ft.Jay-z

Add to My Profile | More VideosGlamorous

Add to My Profile |Nelly -Dillema

|Addicted To Bass


|Don't Cha Push My Humps

|Gwen Stefani vs Britney Spears- Tic Toxic

|Blu Centrell ft. Sean Paul - Breathe

|MisTeeq Scandalous

|snap rhythm is a dancer music video

"Born Again" - PMT - New album in stores May 19th

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Movies Gangsta:Rollin wid da nines,The business,Casino,Scarface,Revol­ver,Get Shorty,Casino Animated:Shrek 1+2,Hoodwinked,Toy Story,The Ugly Duckling and me,Fantasia Romance:Romeo and Juliet,True Romance,Gone with the wind Horror:I.T,House of the dead,Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Child's Play 1,2,3 and Bride of Chucky Comedy:little man,American Pie(all) Martial arts:Any Bruce Lee or Seagal film,Shaft, The Mummy and the Mummy Returns


The Bill,Eastenders,Emmerdale,Lazy Town,deal or no deal,Sugar Rush,documentaries ie life, history,geography,Spongebob Squarepants,Scooby Doo,The Simpsons,Scrubs,Holby City,Hollyoaks,Neighbours,My Family,Hustle,Allo Allo,Keeping up appearances,Holby City


Anything with pictures(lol)Secret Lives: Cupid's Bloody Valentine

mortal kombat

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My Mum and Dad,Grandads,Grandma's,,Gwen Stefani,Skiba n Shabba,Riddla.D,Fatman.D,Herbzie,Martin Pernault and Bianca Beauchamp,

My Blog

New Job

I have just started working as a subbie for Hotchkiss Ltd which is 1 of the biggest Ductwork manufacturers of Ducting,Ventilation and air supply in the UK.I cannot disclose the location of my job for ...
Posted by oli on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 09:23:00 PST

friends and requests

Just had a fella request friend and sent me a message which i thought was A1 if only more peeps would do dat including meself
Posted by oli on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:14:00 PST


to all my friends on myspace.I DO VIEW PROFILES,i often comment on pictures of yours,If i haven't contacted you or replied to your mail or bulletins then i'm sorry(im very busy) but i like to chat to ...
Posted by oli on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:21:00 PST


Just started a new job at Pinewoood studios.Wish me luck
Posted by oli on Wed, 30 May 2007 06:29:00 PST

About mysite

This is a blog to explain about mypage. I'm fairly new to this and have been trying out different ideas like flash toys,banners,moving pics that sort of thing.Im still having probs like how to seperat...
Posted by oli on Sat, 19 May 2007 02:19:00 PST


..> ..> TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Oli Birthday: March 07th Birthplace: Ascot Current Location: Iver hopefully not for long Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Brown Height: 5"11 Righ...
Posted by oli on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:46:00 PST

old friend

just seen Rob and Charlene on my blogs.Rob sent me a blog and then saw Charlene
Posted by oli on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:18:00 PST