The Shoot a Ball & Not a Gun Joe White Classic is an event to help remember the Late Great Joe White for all he has done in the basketball community and also to help continue his work. Joe White was very much into youth development in all senses and in this he would use sport to help reach out to youth and help turn them or keep them on the right path.The All Star event takes place every year and showcase the top 48 UK Basketball player the UK has to offer. The teams are picked based on the recomendations from coaches as fans along with trials which will be taking place this year on the 19th and 20th of May.This years event is going to come with alot of suprises so stay tuned for monthly udates. This years event will be taking place late May and for all you lady ballers this year we will be having a ladies all star game so play heard.HIGLIGHTS 06
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