"A forty-one inch bust and a lot of perseverance will get you more than a cup of coffee-a lot more. But most girls don't know what to do with what they've got.-Jayne Mansfield"HOW MUCH FUN DO WE LOOKWAITING FOR NEXT SEASONTHINGS THAT I
*Stoli Razz & sprite (jess)
*See through lighters
*Diamond pinki rings
*Melanie Mall
*Shake & Bake
*DQ's twist soft serve
*Blue tooth
*Tuesday night Trivia @ Hooters
*Late night Mc'D's D-thru
*Johnny Depp
*Easy Mac
*Iced organic grande carmel machiatto
*Orange Soda
*Boys who wear eyeliner
*Having tattoos drawn on my feet
*Elbow Room
*Vanilla Deoderant
*Tight pants on guys/girls
*Kettle corn
*Slip and slide
*Soft T's
*coconut tanning oil
*Count Chocula
*Captain Crunch aka d-- C-NOTE
*Lunch box pails
*Lip gloss
*black eyeliner
*Veal Escoiffer
*Snuggle bunnies
*Grandmas Boy
*Sorority Boys
*Uncle Buck
*Sour patch kids
*Camel Backs
*Bed head
*Kool-aid (mystery flavor)
*Meat Wad
*Dead Red
*Shots that come in dymatap cups
*Gold Club
*Dog Clothing
*Whole Foods Market
*Caps Lock
*Christmas Vacation
*Hollywood nails
*Mystic Tan
*Pink Tooth brushes
*Dental Floss
*Ice Cube trays
*Video Cameras :)
*Flat Irons
*Light Blue
*Stripper shoes
*"hey ma"
*fake sunglasses
*satin sheets
*Miami Vice
*Pictures of real guns on myspace
*Naturally red hair
*The smell of lancome makeup
*Plastic over furniture
*Baking soda tooth paste
*Over draft fees :(
*Sam Adams
*Goosebumps while shaving
*Returning block buster movies
*Air Conditioning below 68
*Hair on boys back/ shoulders ugh
*Tattoos that are the following:(Eagels, anything military, snakes, dragons,or cartoon characters)
*Barney and friends
*Road Rules
*NY from Flava of Love
*Bobs Discount Furniture
*Having no milk
*Johnny Damon
*Blocked Calls
*Bingo (jk)
*mike & ikes
*Big Spoons
*CCSU ParkingEveryone wants to be hollywood...the fame the vanity the glitz the stories...one day ill become a great big star..You know like the Big Dipper
And maybe one day you can visit my condo
On a big hill you know like 9-0-2-1-0I KNOW HOW TO DEGRADE MEN
by misspaige614
YOU WANT TO KNOW "WHO I AM LOOKING FOR" JUST LOOK UP 33333333333333333333333333333
.. width="425" height="350" ....White Stripes,Fly Leaf,Rob Zombie,Shiny toy guns,Porcelain & the tramps,Sharam,Deep Dish,NIN, Bloc Party,The Killers,SoHo Dolls,Sasha,Jefree Fucking Star,Red, Stevie Ray Vaughn,Allman Brothers, Tom Petty, Bocelli,Drone, Flabbergasters,Technotronic,The Streets,OkGo,Eminem,Big-D & the Kids table,Dave,Billy Idol, O.A.R,Razed in black,ZZ top,Kill Hannah,H.I.M, Madonna, Coheed and Cambria,Korn,FiveWise,Everclear,Reel Big Fish, Green Day,Hate Breed,Incubus,Michael Jackson,Foo Fighters,Ozzy,
Grandmas Boy, The Squid and the Whale, Problem Child 2, American History X, Blow, Pirates of the Carribean(1,2&3), American Psycho,Shawshank Redemption,Hand that rocks the cradle,Basket Case,Gumo, Ken Park, Manhatten,Whats eating Gilbert Grape,Sorority Boys, Christmas Vacation, Anchor Man, Basket Case 2, The Notebook, Joy of Luck Club, Napolean Dynamite....
math net, date my mom, gastano girls, nesn
FAN MAIL From: JonathanDate: Nov 20, 2005 9:34 PMFlag spam/abuse. [ ? ]Subject: hey there? Body: hey sup?? you are so sexy!! would you be interested in helping a 18.m.ct oout who is still a virgin even to oral. any type of hook up would be wanted plz. write bac plz