About Me
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Hi,im Latoya aged 19, blonde big boobs and have a lovely...
Got your attention now, were five lads, well four n sepp but i thats another story. It starts off wit the two matt's mixed in with a dollop of yogosh and a splash of Ashutosh.
Me, Mat1, as Jay would say, am from the sunnny outskirts of Hertfordshire (not posh) like alochol, mash potato, pie, and anything furry (except steve) steve=shaven kuala... anotha story. Catchphrase: U BASTARD!!
Matt2 a.k.a smiley or daddy (Ashutosh mainly). Loves a good round of badminton. Only joking im not sure, probably does tho. He's from sumwhere in
West London, but got bored wen he told me the rest. Loves computers, umm... computers, cooking... i think he likes computers. Catchphrase: Whos doing the dishes?
Ashutosh, the mad monkey from maryland a.k.a India loves a good roast. As long as its full of vegtables as yes... hes one of them. Nuf said... baby of the group, likes to think hes the funniest person of the group too. Also likes computers, umm... computers, not so much cooking, i think he likes computers. Catchphrase: Shut the fucking FRIDGE! Nooo
Yogesh, the vegi from Mauritius. well i use the term vegi "loosely" for example he wont eat ham, but a meat feast pizza wont go a miss.Speaks a few languages for the ladiez e.g. commen't t'appelle tu! (Fuck knows) Did have a liking for processed cheese until the unsuttle pixie came along and shattered his life... but i wont go into that. He likes computers, cant cook wont cook, but doesnt mind sittin there watchin everyone else cook for him... nice like that. He wants to be an Astronaut. Catchphrase: Yeah! (any question, same answer)
Now... the man from Iran. I use the term "Man" loosely. Seppa's his name, poker's his game. Likes a good cock, i mean cook, as long as it involves sum sort of rice, onion, undefrosted chicken and of course... LEMON. About 1 a day keeps the ladies at bay... they say. Hobbies are smoking, drinking, ordering and his personal favourite... TALKING! Wants to become a shrimp boat captain. Catchphrase: Blah, Blah, Blah im a dirty tramp!
Outcasts, include paddy the irish drunk (go figure), hakan the canadian turk, hannah the spanner from bexley and laura, the punk pixie from Swindon... (dont ask, sumwhere foreign)