Puppetry, Traveling, The Phantom of the Opera, Randomness, Clothes/Costumes, Singing, the color Blue, Things that are soft, fuzzy, and/or shiny, Acting, Art (painting, drawing, mirror etching, etc.), Being with people, Cruises, Designing, Laughter, Rocky Horror Picture Show
If you are a living, breathing organism I would love to make your acquaintance. (unless of course you are a serial killer or something, sorry) I like all kinds of people. I consider myself to be pretty open minded.*Please note: Do not add me just to raise your friends number. I only wish to have people on my list that are my friends or potential friends, people that I can network with, and/or people that have interest in me/my profile or visa-versa. Do not add me without the intention of ever talking to me, please. Thank you for your time.*
I pretty much like all kinds of music. Yes there are some songs and artists that I truly can't stand, but otherwise I like all types. Some of my favs are Iron and Wine, Sarah Brightman, Weird Al, Blood Hound Gang, Specific country songs, Specific rock/metal songs
Scary movies are out I'm afraid, The Crow, Pirates of the Caribbean, Show Boat, The Whole Nine Yards, Young Frankenstein, Anything by Mel Brooks.
Battlestar Galactica, Friends, Will and Grace, Who's Line is it Anyway, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Rome, Desperate Housewives, House, Scrubs, Heroes, Nip/Tuck, News Radio, how I met Your Mother, Evangelion, The Office, The Tick (live action), Slings and Arrows
Eat Pray Love (not a Jesus book mind you),I Am America And So Can You, The Da Vincci Code, The Harry Potter Series, The Phantom of the Opera (and as much as I hate to admit it, some Phantom Phiction), Every fashion and costume book on the planet
Levon, who has always supported me and pushed me to be a better person (Note: there is still an understudy position available in this catagory)