Somewhere over the rainbow profile picture

Somewhere over the rainbow

There's a fine line between clever and stupid

About Me

First off I am known to one and all and all in one as Joanna. I love being and talking with people. I am extremely social. I have my shy moments I guess, but I've grown to be pretty talkative and outgoing. I love making people laugh just as much as I love to laugh myself. I use a lot of sarcasm and such, not to offend anyone, but just to be silly. Silliness often makes people laugh. I have a thing with wanting to keep everyone around me as happy and comfortable as possible. I guess one of my main goals in life is to get in as many experiences as possible. I swear I just about kill myself as it is from lack of sleep because I'm always up chatting on the internet, hanging out with friends, or doing some activity that prevents me from sleeping. I would love to write more, but if I could say everything about myself that I'd like to then you'd be reading this for days if not weeks on end.

My Interests

Puppetry, Traveling, The Phantom of the Opera, Randomness, Clothes/Costumes, Singing, the color Blue, Things that are soft, fuzzy, and/or shiny, Acting, Art (painting, drawing, mirror etching, etc.), Being with people, Cruises, Designing, Laughter, Rocky Horror Picture Show

I'd like to meet:

If you are a living, breathing organism I would love to make your acquaintance. (unless of course you are a serial killer or something, sorry) I like all kinds of people. I consider myself to be pretty open minded.*Please note: Do not add me just to raise your friends number. I only wish to have people on my list that are my friends or potential friends, people that I can network with, and/or people that have interest in me/my profile or visa-versa. Do not add me without the intention of ever talking to me, please. Thank you for your time.*


I pretty much like all kinds of music. Yes there are some songs and artists that I truly can't stand, but otherwise I like all types. Some of my favs are Iron and Wine, Sarah Brightman, Weird Al, Blood Hound Gang, Specific country songs, Specific rock/metal songs


Scary movies are out I'm afraid, The Crow, Pirates of the Caribbean, Show Boat, The Whole Nine Yards, Young Frankenstein, Anything by Mel Brooks.


Battlestar Galactica, Friends, Will and Grace, Who's Line is it Anyway, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Rome, Desperate Housewives, House, Scrubs, Heroes, Nip/Tuck, News Radio, how I met Your Mother, Evangelion, The Office, The Tick (live action), Slings and Arrows


Eat Pray Love (not a Jesus book mind you),I Am America And So Can You, The Da Vincci Code, The Harry Potter Series, The Phantom of the Opera (and as much as I hate to admit it, some Phantom Phiction), Every fashion and costume book on the planet


Levon, who has always supported me and pushed me to be a better person (Note: there is still an understudy position available in this catagory)

My Blog

And the beat goes on...

This is coming about 3 1/2 weeks after the fact, but, hey, better late than never right? And so it has finally come to pass. Funny, I never saw it coming, especially from him. Had God himeself told me...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 02:04:00 PST

Can't sleep (and it has nothing to do with clowns eating me)

It's 2 a.m. and I can't sleep. I've been awake for a while lying in bed trying to convince my body to drift off into dream land, yet it will not listen to me. I even tried bribing myself with candy. A...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

60 years left to live

I went to today and apparently my personal Day of Death is...Thursday, November 20, 2064. I have 60 years left to live. That means I'll be 79 when I die. Hmm, that's not too bad I guess...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Some got it, some don't

What can I say? I guess I'm just naturally talented ;) But obviously I could use a little practice to highten my skills. Any volunteers? lol What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?Name: Age: Sex: MaleF...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

redneck jokes rule...wait i'm from the south

40 thiings never said by rednecks 40. Oh I just couldn't. Hell, she's only sixteen. 39. I'll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex. 38. Duct tape won't fix that. 37. Lisa Marie was lucky to catch Mich...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Funny pick up lines

1.) If I was me.. I'd do you, Your a peach and together we make a pear - Kara 2. Are your parents retarded? Because you seem like a very special girl ;) 3. Can I borrow your library card?...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Kenji is a sweetheart!

My new friend Kenji wrotw this poem for me and sent it to me yesterday. It's called "Look You eyes say..." It is so sweet! You rock Kenji! Look Your eyes say... Look! Your eyes say, "They're i...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I rock! *G*

I am so excited. I just figured out how to get my pics onto this website. And to think, I was beginning to think that I was completely computer challenged. Anyway, for those who see them, hope you enj...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Oh the busyness!

Good gracious! I am exausted from how busy I've been lately and there is still more to come. I haven't gotten much sleep for the past few days because of staying up late chatting on the internet, goin...
Posted by Somewhere over the rainbow on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST