I enjoy music, hanging out with friends, playing my guitar, playing some sports, and going to shows.
I am a fan of oi!, street punk, traditional celtic, and old time bandit country. and blues. I like bands like the Tossers, The scotch Greens, Neck, the Pogues, the Black Jacks, The Real Mckenzies, Blitz, Mississippi John Hurt, Floggin Molley, Leatherface, The Cro-mags, the Deal, Hanover Saints, Cock Sparrer, NIV, XLooking forwardX, Deals Gone bad, The Specials, The Remnents, the alarm, the Natchez shakers, and Cash. Great suff!!
Im a big fan of WWII movies like Saving Private Ryan, and
The band of Brothers series. The Shawshank Redemtion is also amazing.
The History channel Baby! yeah also The office
and books about famous people
My heros include people like Jesus Christ, Winston Churchill, Jonny Cash, and the wonderful mother and father that God has given me.