ND, Music, Live shows, Tattoos, Art, Dancing, Target Practice, Karate,
If you would like your tattoo in the slide show, send a pic with a MSG!!!Get Your Own! | View SlideshowPROMOTING GWEN STEFANI AND NO DOUBT MUSIC!!!!!!!, Live Shows are the best!!!! Dancing I have studied Dance for 23 yrs!!! FRONT WOMEN Gwen Stefani!! other front woman also, like Shirley, Amy, ON AND ON!!!
Few More PICS-- :http://www.angelfire.com/music6/mandereviews/me_reviews_art
**FAN MAIL**---------
No Doubt
PO BOX 8899
Anaheim CA 92812
**FAN MAIL**------
Gwen Stefani
c/o Interscope Records
2220 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, Ca 90404
View More PICS-- :http://www.angelfire.com/music6/mandereviews/me_reviews_art
http://www.l-a-m-b.com/Some of my Fav dependable FAN SITES:
1.GREENERPASTURES!!!!!!2.JUSTNODOUBT3.Comforting lieTake the quiz:
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
what band are you?just take it!!!
no doubt
your band is no doubt!you are all about ska!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
what return of saturn song are you?
I'd like to meet:
GWEN STEFANI, ADRIAN YOUNG, TOM D, TONY K, Stephan and Gabe, ok so NODOUBT, L.K you know who i am talking about!!!!!!!!!!!! BUTCH WALKER again PLEASE!! GARBAGE, AVRIL, KORN, Angelina Jolie, Ellen Ellen!!! the Cast of LAW and ORDER SVU, All of CSI, MOST OF HOLLYWOOD!!!! ***I JUST MET GWEN STEFANI 5/21/05***GREATNESS!!!!!!! 10/31/05!!!!! 11/5/05!!!! i still need to meet the whole BAND NO DOUBT NO DOUBTI NEED to meet the all of this freaken Band, PLEASE!!!!
and Pink she is to cool
what rock steady song are you?
WATCH THIS 3/4 through you will see GWEN herself pick ME to go on stage!!!!
.. width="425" height="350" ..NoDoubt, Gwen Stefani, Garbage, Green Day old stuff, Korn, Sublime, Butch Walker, The cranberries, Avril, Pink, SUBLIME, the Dead, the Doors, the Beatles, Godsmack, System of a Down, on on Did i say NoDoubt!!! NO DOUBT AND NO DOUBT FANS RULEGWEN PICKING ME 4 HBG 12/12 show 3/4 towards end!!!!!!Me pointing at Gwen during HBG!!!
this is from the first time i was FRONT ROW 10/20/02
aka Dawsons Creek show, for Mass fans!!!!!!!!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
NO DOUBT- Simple Kind Of Life
For a long time I was in love
Not only in love, I was obsessed
With a friendship that no one else could touch
It didn’t work out, I’m covered in shells
And all I wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
And all I needed was a simple man
So I could be a wife
I’m so ashamed, I’ve been so mean
I don’t know how it got to this point
I always was the one with all the love
You came along, I’m hunting you down
Like a sick domestic abuser looking for a fight
And all I wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
If we met tomorrow for the very first time
Would it start all over again?
Would I try to make you mine?
I always thought I’d be a mom
Sometimes I wish for a mistake
The longer that I wait the more selfish that I get
You seem like you’d be a good dad
Now all those simple things are simply too complicated for my life
How’d I get so faithful to my freedom?
A selfish kind of life
When all I ever wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
A simple kind of life
GIA, Gone in 60 seconds, Taking Lives, Aviator, Go, American Beauty, Original Sin, Beyond Borders, Fox fire, Tomb Raider 1 and 2 , hackers, Homegrown, Girl interupted , breakfast club, wild things, Life or something like it, Pushing Tin, Thirteen, Cyborg 2, Center Stage on on on
Which Rock Chick Are You?
I WATCH No Doubt TK RS DVDs and the Videos, but as for really tv i think MTV sux they never have any good M??? whats up with that? I do love CSI, CSI miami, All LAW and Orders, but really SVU, Cold Case! love the cops drama, no clue why
Ellen on my days off Monday/Tuesday/Wensday
what tragic kingdom song are you?
the one books i have read cover to cover besides a magazine is , Go Ask Alice, the story of Gwen Stefani, that one kinda blew:(:(:This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
GWEN STEFANI, GWEN STEFANI, GWEN STEFANI!!!!!!! All of NO DOUBT, and No Doubt fans. all my ND friends Lil Ash Elizabeth Besty Jackie Susan and MY TRUE ND Girl ASHLEY H!! Girl you are amazing!! haha your my hero 2, all my nd girls rock GWEN FOREVER!!!!!! The Harajuku Girls are the greatest team of dancers ever!!!! NO DOUBT NO DOUBT!!!!!!!!!!and everyone who works for and with ND, you know what i am saying. EVERYONE RULES!!!ROCK FREAKEN STEADY!!!!!
Erika and Ash H No Doubt forever!!