Metro Sunday will bring a distinct approach to pop music. With a sound that is all their own, they tread on numerous genres, but don't fall head first into any one. This freedom gives the group a lot of creative opportunity to explore different sounds and styles. The members of Metro Sunday bring years of experience to the songwriting process which they acquired from previous groups or as solo artists.
For the "nuts and bolts" of this bio, there are three members in the group, Onedin who plays guitar, keyboards and sings, Abe who plays bass, guitar and designs websites and Ivor who plays drums, guitar and other percussive elements. We have played music for years and in various genres. We feel this diversity gives us a very unique sound. All members are self taught, but over the years we have studied to fine tune our craft. You can't ever have enough knowledge!
This is not an ordinary bio, as we want the people who have helped us or enjoy us, realize they are a part of Metro Sunday. Music is a two way street between artist and audience and our goal is to remove that border, that line that separates. The time that people spend promoting or buying band merchandise should get as much credit for a bands success and we want to acknowledge everyone for that. Thank you wtih all our love.
So please put your button-up on, slip on your best dress and grab a cocktail. We look forward to having you join us on our trip for a new experience and when you join us at any of our performances feel free to express yourself. We hope that you enjoy.
Special thanks have to go to: Lilah Zahra, Ivor Giraldo, Abe Souza, Brett Sims, Mary Sue Gee, Omar Cachola, Phil, Matt Carinio, Mike Thacker, Jessica B, Steve Graham, Amelia Zahra and to all the people who support what we are trying to do.
All sounds, fashion style and photos created by Metro Sunday. Photos taken by Brett Sims of Sims Photography.
When all is said and done open your mind, think and react to the world. Now let the story begin....
[email protected]
Please feel free to contact us if you are a zine/radio station/person who does press and we'll send you a demo copy if you promise to say wonderful things in the article.
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