James Mark Holmquest profile picture

James Mark Holmquest

James Mark Holmquest

About Me

Before anything I must say I back our guys in the military 100% and my first song "just the boys and me" I dedicate to all present and former members of the US armed forces. If you don't believe in America and don't back our troops you don't belong here! There are several anti-american/anti-Christian cultures trying to destroy our country and these guys in our Military are fighting to prevent that....lets show them our respect and support:) I am Catholic by Babtism and try my best to be a good Christian. I am not a judgemental bible thumper (we have enough of those) but I do believe in God and his son Jesus. I believe I am more like the Crusadors of Ancient times who were ready and willing to fight if needed to defend the goodness of Christianity, their families, and their countries! It takes kindness to love, but it takes courage to live! There is still today a centuries old battle between good and evil, God's children and the Devil's Demons! That may sound strange to some but how do you explain the evil Muslim Terrorists (Jihad) and the North Korean Menace we are always in conflict with. We even have extemely evil and immoral Demons living right here in our own country...just watch the news (murders, child molestations ect...) or a few "Gangsta Rap' videos. Americans have had enough of the "Gangsta" movement; the grabbing of themselves, the Ebonics laced with profanity, the ridiculus clothing, its nothing more than an immoral and evil slam against all that is God like and decent! Music, professional sports, movies, television, religion, and cultural values have all been extremely damaged because of this garbage! Immorality and evil is found even in our elementary schools! Kids are being beaten and bullied with little or know punishment to the Devils torturing these poor kids! America needs to stop worring about being politically correct and clean up this beautiful country! Now is the time for courage, if we don't get tough with ALL these Demons, America may be doomed! Now back to the songs. The fourth song "your new day" I wrote while thinking about the women whom have lost there husbands and boyfriends in 911 and the two military conflics we are presently in. I hoped these women would find comfort in knowing God wants them to look to the sky for their new day:)" Say a prayer" the second song on the tracks is of course what we all should do each and every day:)" 500 miles" is about my wife Monika:) Now about me, my music, and my faith! I am a singer, song writer, and Guitar player presently living in Tennessee. I am originally from the Illinios/Indiana area and am a graduate of Ball State University. Interests of mine (besides saving this country/World) include GOD and his son Jesus (my father and brother) LIFE, fitness, animals, martial arts, motorcycling, sword collecting, and swordsmenship. I have also always wanted to act and aspire to obtain a role in a picture in the light of the film Gladiator. A role in a Christian/Biblical movie also greatly interests me. Because of my love for animals I am a vegetarian. I made this decision and comittment over a year ago now and feel it to be one of the best I have yet made, both healthwise and spiritually:) Lastly, I feel everyone needs to take a minute every day to say thank you to GOD, each breath we all take is a gift...something that seems so small is really so BIG

My Interests


Member Since: 10/21/2006
Band Members: Me on guitar and vocals. All songs written by me... except I may have had some devine intervention with Say A prayer:)
Influences: Basically all music that my ears have heard both good and bad.
Record Label: Wishing Well
Type of Label: None