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You better take a look at this.

About Me

I sneeze a lot.

My Interests

Writing, reading books and talking about them, teaching, my soft duvet (and the word 'duvet'), television, wearing brightly colored shoes, wearing jewelry, wearing scarves, dancing, browsing stationery stores, cooking soup in the winter time, eating pasta, eating cheese, recommending cheese, cradling and kissing my puppy, spying on the mailman ("that handsome blue jay"), reading tabloids in the tub. Also: flea markets and farmers markets, beards, freckles, cuddling.

I'd like to meet:

All of my missing earrings!


Lately: Laura Veirs, Sufjan Stevens, Wilco, Feist, Joanna Newsom, Beirut, The Animal Collective, Built to Spill, Loose Fur, Neko Case, Van Morrison, Red House Painters, My Morning Jacket, and NPR news.


Badlands, Days of Heaven, Heavenly Creatures, Overboard, The Lives of Others. And I still stand by The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.


The Wire, Real Time with Bill Maher, America's Next Top Model, Top Chef, Law and Order: SVU, Project Runway, Flight of the Conchords.


Or, authors: W. Somerset Maugham, Lorrie Moore, Vladimir Nabokov, Alice Munro, Tom Drury, Joy Williams, Margaret Atwood, Edward P. Jones, George Saunders, Kathryn Davis, Carson McCullers, Donna Tartt (The Secret History), Nathaniel Hawthorne, Don DeLillo (Underworld), Richard Yates, Katherine Mansfield, Mavis Gallant, William Styron, Dan Chaon (hi, Dan), Charles Baxter, Michael Pollan, John Steinbeck, Colson Whitehead (The Intuitionist), Richard Powers, Robert Hass, Frank O'Hara, Dean Young, Wallace Stevens...and of course all my dear talented friends...href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdv b2RyZWFkcy5jb20vdXNlci9zaG93LzI3OTI1"


Strunk and White.