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Brandy and Ryan

To cute to die~~vol.1

About Me

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My Interests

Art, Music (writing, composing and live shows),Tattoo's, Nature, Big cities, Pink stuff, we have a sweet kayak, Dunny and Munny, real money, toys, movies, Guitar hero, Dressing up for a great evening, our wedding~for sure, friends, self esteem, sunshine, the water (spinkler or body of, etc) we are huge shoe fans, their is nothing like them. History, I have a thing for the desert, Brandy loves Rent and other musicals alike, each other! D. Tigers D. Pistons

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electricparK. Simple Wisdom. Motley Crue, Sublime, Juliette and the licks, 80's whatever, Fergie, Beastie Boys, Alkaline Trio, *kicks leg in air*, Freddy Cougar, Janis Joplin, Anti-Flag, Deftones, Korn, Faith no More, Mike Patton, Outkast, Trick daddy, Violent Femmes, Misfits, Beyonce, Lady Sov, the Streets, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, MC Ren, House of Blow, Chaimira, Elefant, Joan Armatreading, GlassJaw, Head Automatica, Mudvayne, Boy Hits Car, Lily Allen, Black-eyed Peas, Ima Robot, Lost Prophets, Sparta, At the Drive in, Motown, Universal Stomp,
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300, Sin City, Idiocracy, Goodfellas, Jackass #2, Casino, Scent of a woman, Second-hand Lion, the Notebook, Hills have eyes, Mr. MOM, Bruce Almighty, all Die Hards, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Grandma's Boy, SLC punk, Eragon, Little Miss Sunshine, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Fear, a Scanner Darkly, Denis Leary: No cure for cancer, Back to the futures, Indiana Jones, Goonies, the Good Shepard, the Departed, Scarface, Shawshank Redemption, Hustle & Flow, Boyz in the Hood, Juice, Matilda, Fridays, Orange County, Elf, Romeo and Juliet, Kicking and Screaming, both Bad news Bears, Lord of War, Star Wars,


the Office, the Soprano's, Yes Dear, Still Standing, Friends reruns, Beverly Hills 90210, Saved by the Bell, Pee-Wee's playhouse, Dog, the Hills. Rock of love 2, Dinner Impossible, Rob & Big


Motley Crue: the dirt, The Heroin Diaries, Love and Fafiness, I am Plastic, the House Book, American Showcase, Sin cities, Wierd Michigan, Exploitation, , Juxtapoz (magazine), Blender (magazine). (comic) the Pirates of Coney Island


Brandy---- Big Sis, Jaja, Princess Diana, Beth Chapman, Juliette Lewis, Jack Black, Mary Louise ParkerRyan---My Parents, Nikki Sixx, Jonathen Davis, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Rock Musicians(save rock!), Tommy Lee
Add a myspace jukebox to your profile. Recording @ the parK. Westland Michigan 48185 e-mail: [email protected] "Structure is Everything" ELECTRIC PARK Check out our sound and become a friend

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Wedding Info
Posted by Brandy and Ryan on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:23:00 PST