Real Name: Courtney Whitmore
Place Of Birth: Beverly Hills, California
First Appearance: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. 1
Group Affiliation: Justice Society Of America
Base Of Opperations: Blue Valley, NebraskaCourtney Whitmore found Sylvester Pemberton's gear in her stepfather's belongings and donned the costume in order to annoy him as partial revenge for marrying her mother and supposedly forcing the family to move from Los Angeles to Blue Valley, Nebraska. Dugan, a skilled mechanic, designed and built S.T.R.I.P.E., a robotic suit which he rides in to accompany and protect her.As well as her relationships with Atom Smasher and Captain Marvel, Courtney is the object of a crush held by Jakeem Thunder. She has also been stalked by Solomon Grundy who was at one point obsessed with her. In Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. and an issue of Impulse, Courtney dropped hints of having a crush on Robin (Tim Drake), but that hasn't been picked up on in recent years. Courtney carries on three legacies, that of the first Star Spangled Kid, that of the various Starmen and (arguably) her adoptive father Pat Dugan.
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