Dimanche Noir is a project of 'A Sound Revealed' and 'Systema Synthetica' , who decided to join forces after the success of the occasional collaborations in the past.On the 1st of september we released our first track on mp3.de ( www.mp3.de/dimanchenoir ), so if you like you can download there our tracks in better quality, be sure to click left on "Songs&Alben" .In June of this year, Dimanche Noir got reinforcements in the form of Rob, our new lyrics writer. Rob lives in London, and is very excited to be part of the project. "What Triggers the Gun" is the first song featuring his lyrics, but many more will follow.Let us know what you think of our music.Take care,CaseR, Rob and Mr.J
Link to A Sound Revealed: http://asr.electronizer.de
Link to Systema Synthetica: www.systemasynthetica.com
Dimanche Noir have finished a remix of Jan W.'s "Roter Adler", this EP is coming on the 18.12.06 with a remix and a bonus track from Systema Synthetica ! You can order it here: