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be my computer ... cuz bebe I'm a user

About Me


I am struck with awe when I comprehend how huge the Universe is, and when I think that we, all of us, and all the people and all things we will ever touch and hold and care about, are a thin scum on the surface of a big ball of rock. I'm amazed that we, nothing more than an organized bunch of chemicals, can wander around, eating popsicles, writing dirty poetry on walls with magic marker, building baseball stadiums and cathedrals and rocket ships, wondering whether it's time to refinance our home mortgages, and making more of ourselves. The human race has grown up from unthinking animals, and will probably die out, unmourned, all in a blink of the geological eye, and be replaced by . . . what? Something as different from as as we are from the dinosaurs, surely.
But none of that gives me a desire to invent some kind of supernatural explanation for it all. To do so would be to deny the single most frustrating, painful, hopeful, thought-provoking, inspiring, beautiful thing about the Universe: the fact that it follows natural laws. It unfailingly, consistently, indifferently follows a set of rules, and—perhaps this is the most amazing thing of all—we have one and a half kilograms of fatty tissue that can actually figure those laws out.
So why do we turn our backs on this fact and declare that the mysterious is mystical? Why do we call the unexplained supernatural, and relish the idea that there is something beyond all natural laws and thus beyond our intellectual capacity? Even when, again and again and again, we find natural explanations for phenomena that were once thought to be the whim of the gods, the work of demons, or visitations from another world, people still inexplicably foster a belief that there's some special, powerful thing that lies always just beyond our intellectual limits but which, for some reason, is intimately connected to us. Why?
Your inner child screams for cartoons and sugary cereals, but your adult tastes love the buzz of quality mind altering substances. Sooner or later, you're going to have to grow up, at least a bit.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

The general attitude of people who style themselves politically as liberals is that power stratification is unnecessary or at least that less of it is necessary than we currently experience. Conservative critics tend to over-emphasize liberals' attempts to oppose the concentration of economic wealth, but the stance of liberals is not generally informed by an economic theory of any sort. The point of origin for most liberals is fairness, the belief that it should be possible to stop power stratification (of any sort) from giving any group unfair advantages over others. If it could be divorced from social status, the relative distribution of goods and services would be a meaningless detail from the liberal perspective. Liberals believe that there is, or should be, some way in which good ideas would win out over bad ideas after being aired in a marketplace of ideas where the status of the group favoring them would not be a determining factor. There is a tendency to proclaim that if liberals thought out their issues to their final conclusions they would all be communists, but that's a mistake because liberals as yet have no fully-formed and articulated blueprint or utopian vision of what a completely fair society would look like. For the moment, liberals are content simply to oppose power stratification when and where they find it, without really specualting as to what the world might look like after its complete eradication.
"That postcoital buzz? That post-party feel-good vibe? That genuine laughter? That gratuitously kind thing you did for that stranger? That celebration of your body and your love and your sex and your spirit in spite of mainstream religious finger wagging? That deep meditative solitude? Bingo. That's the vibe you want. That's the vibe we all need. That makes all the difference." -Mark Morford

My Interests

phat beats, armageddon in the streets

I'd like to meet:



next level shit that defies genrefication but never fails to move the asses of the masses ... see also: MY WEBSITE-TASTY BEATS AQUI!


The Abyss, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Adaptation, The Adventures ofBuckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, The Adventures of FordFairlane, After Hours, Airplane!, Alien, Aliens, Alien³, Alien:Resurrection, Amelie, American Beauty, American Psycho, Amor esPerros, The Andromeda Strain, Antz, Any Given Sunday, Batman, TheBeast, Being John Malkovich, The Big Lebowski, Bill & Ted's ExcellentAdventure, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, Blade, Blade Runner, TheBounty, The Bourne Identity, Braveheart, Brazil, The Breakfast Club,Cast Away, The Cell, City of God, A Clockwork Orange, Close Encountersof the Third Kind, Clue, Collateral, Commando, Conspiracy Theory,Constantine, Cool as Ice, Cop Land, Crimson Tide, The Crow, The CryingGame, Cube, Dances with Wolves, The Dark Crystal, Das Boot, Dawn ofthe Dead, The Dead Zone, Deliverance, Die Hard, DOA, Do the RightThing, Dogma, Donnie Darko, The Doors, Down and Out in Beverly Hills,Dirty Pretty Things, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worryingand Love the Bomb, Empire of the Sun, Enemy Mine, Escape from NewYork, Eternal DSunshine of the Spotless Mind, Excalibur, Falling Down,Fargo, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, TheFifth Element, Fight Club, First Blood, A Fish Called Wanda, The FisherKing, Fletch, Flash Gordon, Forrest Gump, Four Rooms, TheFreshman, Full Metal Jacket, The Game, Gangs of New York, GardenState, Gattaca, Ghostbusters, Gladiator, Go, Goodfellas, Gremlins,Gremlins II: The New Batch, Grosse Pointe Blank, lHamlet, Hardware,Heat, Heathers, High Fidelity, Highlander, The Hobbit, HollywoodShuffle, How to Get Ahead in Advertising, Human Traffic, The Hunt forRed October, I Heart Huckabees, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, The IceStorm, Independence Day, The Insider, Invasion of the Body Snatchers,Jacob's Ladder, Jaws, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, The Jerk, JerryMaguire, JFK, Joe Versus the Volcano, K-PAX, Kafka, The Karate Kid,The Kentucky Fried Movie, L.A. Story, The Last Boy Scout, The LastDragon, The Last of the Mohicans, The Last Starfighter, The Late Shift,Lethal Weapon, Life of Brian, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,Lolita, Lord of the Flies, The Lost Boys, Lost Highway, Lucas, Léon, MadMax, Mad Max The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Made,Magnolia, Man on Fire, The Man Who Was Not There, The ManhattanProject, Map of the Human Heart, Matchstick Men, The Matrix, TheMatrix Reloaded, Memento, Men in Black, The Messenger, The Mexican,A Midnight Clear, Midnight Express, Midnight Run, Monty Python and theHoly Grail, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, Murder in the First, TheNaked Gun, Natural Born Killers, Near Dark, Network, Nice Dreams, TheNightmare Before Christmas, No Man's Land, No Way Out, Nurse Betty,O Brother Where Art Thou?, Of Mice and Men, Office Space, Once WereWarriors, Outland, Patriot Games, Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Pi, PitchBlack, Platoon, The Player, Pleasantville, Point Break, Popeye, ThePostman, The Predator, Pulp Fiction, Pump Up the Volume, PushingTin, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Raising Arizona, Real Genius, Red Dragon,Red Rock West, Repo Man, Requiem for a Dream, Reservoir Dogs,Revenge of the Nerds, Revolution, The Right Stuff, Rocky, The RockyHorror Picture Show, Romancing the Stone, Romeo+Juliet, Romy andMichele's High School Reunion, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern AreDead, Rounders, Roxanne, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rudy, Run Lola Run,Saving Private Ryan, Say Anything, Scarface, Schindler's List,Schizopolis, School Daze, Scotland Pa., Seven, Searching for BobbyFischer, The Secret of NIMH, Secretary, Series Seven The Contenders,Sexy Beast, Shaft, Shallow Grave, Shaun of the Dead, The ShawshankRedemption, Signs, The Silence of the Lambs, Silverado, SixteenCandles, The Sixth Sense, SLC Punk!, Sling Blade, Snatch, Sneakers,Spies Like Us, Starman, Starship Troopers, Strange Days, Summer ofSam, Swimming to Cambodia, Tank Girl, Taps, The Terminator,Terminator 2 Judgement Day, There's Something About Mary, This IsSpinal Tap, Three Kings, THX, Tigerland, Time After Time, TimeBandits, A Time to Kill, Top Secret, Toys, Trading Places, Traffic,Training Day, Trainspotting, True Lies, Twelve Monkeys, Twenty-EightDays Later, Unbreakable, Unforgiven, Until The End of the World, TheUntouchables, Up in Smoke, The Usual Suspects, Vanilla Sky, TheVillage, Wag the Dog, Waking Life, Wall Street, WarGames, The Way ofthe Gun, Weird Science, What's Up Tiger Lily, Wonderland, Y Tu MamaTambien, Young Einstein, Zardoz, Zoolander




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Check out this event: THE RETURN OF ROLL CALL

Hosted By: Phild0gWhen: Saturday Jul 08, 2006 at 8:00 PMWhere: Secure Outdoor Desert LocationLess than 1 hour outside ofLos Angeles, CA 91423USDescription:Phild0g Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Phild0g on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:59:00 PST

oh man blog entries are listed top to bottom, ok then this is for real the last one

Posted by Phild0g on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

there are no more blog entries after this

except maybe the next one
Posted by Phild0g on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Visit my website plz ... ... MUCHOS FREE DOWNLOADS ... goto link there ->

You know you wanna check it out Philpuppies' Page o'Funk
Posted by Phild0g on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST