I'm constantly trying to find the right term to classify my idiosynchronicity. I'm pretty sure that's a word. And i'm pretty sure i spelled that right, but i'm not going to look it up in the dictionary. And even if it's not - it should be, because it sounds cool and intimidates all the bad spellers out there.Am I primarily a geek? A nerd? A dork? A bizarro? A creative genius? A patriotic super hero? An evil super villain? A wannabe front man of a Journey cover band? Hopefully, i'm a healthy mixture of all of the above. But something tells me that watching every episode of "24" season 3 within the span of 13 hours recently is not characteristic of a paragon of mental health.When i was 12 i tried to watch a football game on tv to see what all the hype was about. I fell asleep and dreamed about time travel.I have friends to build and operate puppets. One of them let me sneak onto the "Team America" set several times. The two of us are currently trying to create an R-rated puppet cabaret-style nightclub.My current job requires me to create music videos out of footage captured from video games. But i would prefer to earn money by speaking in funny voices for cartoons.Charles Shultz was a family friend. He gave me an autographed original "Peanuts" cartoon that's framed in my parents house.I once was in the same room with James Cameron, Sir George Martin, Bill Gates, and LL Cool J.A friend of mine in high school tried to convince me he had built a time machine out of a De Lorean, and had it parked in a garage on his moon base.At age 15, I was in a Woody Allen play with Natasha Lyonne where i had a bigger part. I don't think she remembers me, or that I would like her to give me money, for services rendered as inspiration to act professionally. She was good in "Blade : Trinity" as the blind science expert, though.READ THIS! :
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