Film, photography, art, music, theatre, design, nature, politics, life.
People who are intelligent and passionate about their lives. People who have unique ideas and want to share. People who love this world and want to make the most of every moment of life.
"Never Tear Us Apart" - INXS
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French Cinema in general; Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, The Double Life of Veronique, Three Colours Blue, Three Colours Red, Lady of the Camellias, Breakfast at Tiffanies, Irreversible, Kokoda, Dinner Game, Solaris, All The Presidents Men, The Getaway, Bullitt, Queen Margot, Amelie, Spy Game, Angel Baby, Romper Stomper, Storm Boy, The Great Gatsby, Bridges of Maddison County, The Year My Voice Broke, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Age of Innocence, The Getaway, The Last of the Mohicans, Thank God He Met Lizzie, Howards End, The Horse Whisperer, Hidalgo, Auntie Mame, Far From Heaven, Reds, What I Have Written.
Mais bien sure; Home and Away! Look out for me as the kind and sympathetic nurse Linda Ryan! Merci bien!!
Les Fleurs Du Mal by Charles Baudelaire, The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, The Riders by Tim Winton, Book of Strange by Emily Strange.
Eric B....mmmm...Robert Redford...if only...I love this man! Catherine Deneuve, Daniel Day Lewis, Steve McQueen, Sophie Marceau, Ali McGraw, Isabelle Adjani, Richard Roxburgh, George Clooney, Gregory Peck, Jim Caveziel, Audrey, Julianne Moore, Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Jane Birkin.