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I am here for Friends

About Me

So I've decided to make an about me. A real one this time. (haha) Anyway, to start out my name is sarah. I'm 17, and I'm glad but kind of scared that I will be 18 in less than a year and that the end of normal school is soon. I'm also a bit scared of college, mainly because I don't know if I'm good enough to get into art school, more specifically SAA. Oh well, I can keep practicing.
I've recently become very much attached to incense and tarot cards, though I don't really know why. Oh, and of course POKEMON. Be a good sport, go buy me a Nintendo DS and Pokemon pearl. You know you want to.
It has also been decided that me and michael are sadomasochists. *insert evil smiley face*
I'm dominant.

My Interests


Jeffree Star