Mercedes Lafresniere profile picture

Mercedes Lafresniere

you love my ass

About Me

My Interests

i got ho's in different area codes718's, 802's, 312'si read whore-o-scopes and eat whore-d'oeuvres

I'd like to meet:

I have a soft spot for cute rock boys with long eyelashesand Blue eyes.... J'ai un talent pour etre bouche une compulsion extreme pour faire le menage.... ... and a weakness for 'Guitar mouth', 'bass face' and 'drummer arms' ....and kick flip 180s...people who are taller than me, anyone that can find me pants that are long enough for my loooOOOoooong legs


Bbbbbbbbbbbrap!!!i'm open


Watership Down, Last Unicorn, Labyrinth, Electric Dreams, Flashdance. Fight Club, Heathers, Amelie, Quebec-Montreal, LOTR, Detroit Rock City,


What not to Wear, Twin Peaks,six feet under, Arrested Development, House, Family Guy, Simpsons......


just finished: Max and the Cats by Moacyr Scliarnow reading : Fall on your Knees by Ann-Marie Madonald


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