Lucas profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4i have an unnatural ability to sleep 5 hours a week and still be standing... although that can't be good for me. i enjoy life and like to keep it simple. yes i have a simple plan. but it's better than theirs. i play in a band called dirty tricks. come see us play NOW! i seem to take lots of pictures everywhere i go yet i'm never in them. that's ok

My Interests

music. i like music. i like hockey night au chalet. i like shows. i go to shows. i used to go to a lot of shows. now i go to some shows. i have a good neighbor. he's going to help me put my liver into early retirement. i think sharks are fascinating. i think john reis is a genuis. i've recently discovered the joys of 'taking it easy' not a bad idea sometimes.

I'd like to meet:

you, serious bowlers.


Rocket from the Crypt, Hot Snakes, Quicksand, Entombed, Hellacopters, Cursed, Led Zeppelin, Tricky Woo, Deep Purple, Barkmarket, Tom Waits, Norwegian Jazz, Bionic, Malajube, Dirty Tricks, Supersuckers, Hank Williams III, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, The Sonics, The Ramones, MC5, CCR, Thin Lizzy, Clutch, Converge, Black Sabbath, Slayer, AC/DC, The Sainte Catherines, Dirty Three, The Sultans, QOTSA, Kyuss, Barry Adamson,Neko Case, The Melvins, The Roots, ZZ Top, The Misfits, The Who, Arcade Fire, and a whole lot more.


Jaws, The Iron Giant, The Usual Suspects, North by Northwest, Big Trouble in Little China, The Wonder Boys, Airplane, Vacation, Big Lebowski, O'Brother Where Art Thou, Clerks, Mallrats, Die Hard, Fifth Element, Fight Club, Predator, Raising Arizona, Touch of Evil, Robocop, Ronin, Rushmore, Snatch, Lock Stock and two smoking barrels, Indiana Jones, Planet of the Apes, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen , The Dark Crystal, Near Dark, Alien/s, Dune, The Game, Kill Bill 1 + 2


It's all about the Jack Bauer power hour, cooking shows, old school boxing matches, and really bad movie marathons.

