Generally when someone meets another person, who awakens their interests, the Question, "So what are your Interest's?" will undoubtably be asked. An Interesting Question, But Answer Me This!! Does a Man need to have Interests in order to be Perceived as an Interesting Person and if so what Interests U? (WARNING!! The SECOND part of the Question is only Intended to be Answered by FEMALES!!)
U want to meet me?
The raw and eloquent sounds preformed by a professional Bucket Drummer on a Cold, Bitter, Winter NY Night.
Video's (Except for Blockbuster or Hollywood Video; Corporate commies! I refuse to support the inflationary, profit seeking tactics of the elite Corporate powers that rule.)
Commercials (They invoke so much emotion within, embodying and appealing to the full range of emotions accessible to the human experience.)
If asked "Are books important?" My answer is simple and to the point, YES! From the likes of Dickens to Steinbeck, Socrates to Dr. Phil, the Encyclopedia to the Yellow Pages, and not to forget good old Webster. These marvolous little tools that have been passed on from generation to generation are the perfect solution to an unbalanced, wobbly table. Got a cm or a ft to fill, not a problem, the book is designed to fit under any table. Be it big or small, the space can be filled by adding or ripping a few pages here and there. This is achieved through the inovative design of the Binder, which allows the book to expand and shrink to fit any space (Binder technology is available on all books). Personally, I feel there is nothing like a good old Webster. Who knew Emmanuel Lewis had so much to say!(Note: To all my former instructor's, I have already passed your class and received my degree. Cliff and Monarch did wonders for me!)
JESUS! The man, the messiah, the lamb. Son of God. Savior of man! Enough said!