Leggere, scrivere, musica, film, sport, spendere soldi in dvd e libri, manomettere il mio PC, esplorare il mondo del software libero.
Books, writing, music, movies, sport, spending money ondvd and books, tweaking my PC,explore the world of Open Source Software.
I'd like to meet:
Tutti quelli che hanno degli interessi in comune con me, da tutto il mondo.
Scrittori professionisti e non, metallari,rockers, amanti del buon cinema e della buona musica.Everyone who share my interests, from all over the world.Writers, both professionals and not, metalheads, rockers, everyone who loves good movies and good music.
Dream Theater, Nightwish, Within Temptation, After Forever,
Manowar, Virgin Steele, Kamelot, Pride of Lions, Survivor, Bruce Springsteen when I need rock, Rush, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, Andre Matos, Michael Kiske, Theatre of Tragedy,the voice if Tarja Turunen, Sieges Even. Among italian musicians I love PFM, Fabrizio de Andrè and Franco Battiato and some historycal italian metal.
Il Signore degli Anelli, Batman Begins, Brother, Zatoichi, 300, X-Men Trilogy, Daredevil, Memento, L.A. Confidential,Il Gladiatore, George Romero's, Sam Raimi's,The Nightmare Serie (First 3-4), Pulp Fiction, John Woo's, Ridley Scott, Avalon, Milano Calibro 9, Il Tredicesimo Guerriero, Star Wars, Underworld, tons of Horror movies old and new, Noir Movies by Melville and a many others.
Solo una cosa.
"24"Tutto il resto non è degno di essere visto..e comunque "Non c'è tempo"!Only one thing.
All the rest is not worth watching..and by the way "There's no time".
Alan D. Altieri, Stefano Di Marino, Anne Rice "the Vampire Chronicles", Stephen King, J.R.R Tolkien, James Ellroy "L.A Confidential, American Tabloid", Isaac Asimov, HP Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Tim Willocks, Segretissimo Mondadori, Andrea Cappi, Claudia Salvatori, essays on movies and special forces, Ken Follett and many many more...isn't this a good chance to ask and talk about it?
Eric Adams, Andre Matos, Bruce Springsteen, James Ellroy, Jack Bauer.