I'm a college student in Florida. This is a project of mine to bring true metal to those who have a hard time with the messages behind some music. For instance, I deeply enjoy the sound of bands such as Dimmu Borgir. However, because of ethical conflicts and the fact that I'm Christian, the message they put out with their music makes it difficult for me to listen to them. My goal is to make this genre a little more accessible to anyone regardless of personal faiths. While my music may have a few religious overtones, my intention is not to criticize anyone for their beliefs or to push anyone into believing what they don't wish to believe. My goal is to write good music and give people something to listen to without getting caught up in the ethical context. The lyrics are meant to serve as sort of a story, similar to that of a horror movie. Some are about mythology, while others are about common worries and problems we deal with throughout life. Of my two current works for example, "Reflections of a Withering Widower" concerns the last thoughts of a famous musician who recently died of heartbreak over losing his wife. "Eons of Tainted Souls" is a story that speaks on a theoretical standpoint of a first person account of the last days of earth's existence. My music is not meant in any way to push any buttons or offend anyone. I write entirely for your listening pleasure. So be sure to let me know what you think about it.
Thanks for listening to Elegy For the Masses.
Bush sings "Sunday Bloody Sunday"