Music, comedy, fiction, movies, love+romance and music...
Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, Sheryl Crow, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, B.B.King, Ozzy Osbourne, Tom Selleck (my mom had such a crush on him!) and Ashton Kutcher, to name a few...************************To be honest, I feel the need to name a bunch of people who aren't here anymore but that I really wish I could've met, as they are so numerous--- here's a few: George Harrison, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, Duane Allman, John Lennon, Janis Joplin, Albert King, Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt (my dad calls him one of the first true "rock stars"--- complete w/chicks, long hair and partying...), Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Howard Hughes, of course Jesus........................
Did I say The Beatles???!!! Classic rock, some modern rock, classical, and more...
This Is Spinal Tap (our stonehenge was in danger of being trampled by dwarves!!), A Fish Called Wanda, Raising Arizona, South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut...., Indian Jones & The Temple of Doom, Princess Bride, Sign of the Times (I know, but man, that Prince is one short, fashionable + talented mo'fo-- shut yo mouth!!!!! Just talkin about Prince).........
That 70s Show, of course South Park, King of the Hill, cetain episodes of 80s+90s SNL (tho not anything in a looooong time....), Rescue Me, Over There, Sherlock Holmes (on PBS starring the late and very great Jeremy Brett), stuff on Discovery, A&E, Bravo, the History Channel, all kinds of stuff...
The Bible, Harry Potter, The Stand (S.King), Beatle books (even just pics- they're soo freakin cool!), The Outsiders (SE Hinton)....
My dad, my mom, The Beatles, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Todd Rundgren, Phil Collins, to name just a few....