abnormal psychology, ai, algorithms, alife, amygdala, androids, artificial intelligence, artificial life, artificial neural networks, artilects, atheism, auditory cortex, biochemistry, bioengineering, biology, biomorphs, biotechnology, boids, bondage, brain, brain chips, ca1, ca3, cellular automata, cingulate gyrus, classical music, cloning, cognition, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, cognitive sciences, complex systems, computational neuroscience, consciousness, consciousness uploading, cryonics, cybernetics, cyberpunk, dawkins, dentate gyrus, dreadlocks, dyes, einstein, ekpyrotic universe theory, electrophysiology, engrams, entorhinal cortex, eric drexler, evolution, evolutionary biology, experimental psychology, extropians, fetish, feynman, floys, futurism, futurology, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, genetics, graphic art, guitar, hardcore, hawking, hippocampal formation, hippocampus, horror movies, immortality, industrial, industrial music, intelligent machines, intelligent music, inventions, jaron lanier, jazz, kevin warwick, keyboards, kurzweil, learning, learning algorithms, leather, lisp, long term potentiation, ltp, m theory, machine intelligence, machine learning, machines, mathematics, medical bioengineering, memory, museums, mwi, nanomachines, nanomedicine, nanotechnology, neural computer interfaces, neural implants, neural nets, neural networks, neural plasticity, neurobiology, neuroengineering, neurogenesis, neurology, neurons, neuropharmacology, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, neuroscience, neurotechnology, neurotheology, nietzsche, nmda, noise, old school punk, painting, persinger, philosophy, physics, piano, piercings, plasticity, powernoise, programming, psychology, pvc, quantum computing, quantum mechanics, ramachandran, recording, research, robotics, robots, samples, scifi movies, singularity, stem cell research, string theory, subiculum, superstring theory, synthesizers, tesla, transhumanism, traveling, tribal, virtual reality, wearable computers, wetware, writing |
Dr. V.S. Ramachandran, Dr. Persinger, Dr. White, Ray Kurzweil, Stephen Hawking, Craig Venter, Jared Lanier, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, James Watson, Eric Drexler, Gary Coleman and Mr. T, fool.
I enjoy a lot of different music and respect any talent, despite the genre. My main genres of enjoyment include industrial, noise, powernoise, old school punk, jazz, classical, blues, some old gothic music, ska and reggae. I've played guitar since I was three years old and piano since I was about 5. I sing and play guitar, synths, record and play noises, program neural network AI and program some drum beats for a few bands. My main band at the moment is Standard Deviation of Machine, but I am also in Immortal Revolt, Hellion's Jesus, Paregoric Babies of the World and contribute and sit-in in quite a few others. I'm open to recording or contributing music to new bands, so if you are interested in more, contact me and let's talk. Favorite bands and musicians include: Crash Worship, Ministry, Pigface, Diamanda Galas, Swans, Dead Kennedys, GBH, Circle Jerks, Bad Brains, Battalion of Saints, Ah-Cama Sotz, Alien Sex Fiend, Bad Religion, Crass, Subhumans, Aslan Faction, Hanzel Und Gretyl, Skinny Puppy, Grim Fairies, Bile, Birmingham 6, Psychonaut 75, Bjork, Black Flag, Blanks 77, Butthole Surfers, Capitalist Casualties, Carbon 12, Casualties, Dead Milkmen, Christian Death, Coil, Cubanate, Cramps, Das Ich, Dead Can Dance, Download, Dwarves, EC8or, Evil Mothers, Feindflug, Frontline Assembly, Funker Vogt, Girls Under Glass, Godflesh, Hate Dept, Haujobb, Husker Du, Icon of Coil, Jane's Addiction, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Thelonius Monk, Klute, Lagwagon, Lamb, Lard, Lead Into Gold, Leatherstrip, Legendary Pink Dots, Manufactura, Terrorfakt, Merzbow, Elliott Sharpe, Negativeland, Neurosis, No Means No, 7 Seconds, Tribes of Neurot, Nina Hagen, Numb, Ohgr, Pain Station, Peter Tosh, Project Pitchfork, Prick, Psychic TV, Pygmy Children, Ramones, Rasputina, Salif Keita, Seabound, Seefeel, Skinlab, Snog, Somatic Responses, Standard Deviation of Machine, Swamp Terrorists, Tarika Sammy, Test Tube Babies, Murder City Devils, Deadlights, Exploited, Misfits, New Model Army, Transmutator, Victor Mission of Burma, Jara, White Zombie, Wumpscut, X-ray Spex, Sex Pistols, Yaz, Yellowman, Zeromancer, Ziggy Marley, Bob Marley, Blacks Unlimited, Zilch, Uberzone, Lydia Lunch, King Sunny Ade, Kill Switch Klick, Kidney Thieves, Einsterzende Neubauten, Kevorkian Death Cycle, Hocico, God Module, Germs, Fear, Die Form, Volume 11, The Naked Aggression of David Banner, Seventh Eye of the Freak, Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, Genesis P. Orridge, Foetus, JG Thirwell, Aghast View, Buzzcocks, Sheep on Drugs, Adicts, Skinlab, Skin Chamber, 16 Volt, Immortal Revolt, Hellion's Jesus, Paregoric Babies of the World Unite
Sanford and Son and the A-Team.
I've only been reading non-fiction for the past few years. I mainly read neuroscience, physiology, psychology, AI, programming, robotics, physics and evolution related books. Here is a list of books other than textbooks I've read that I really liked. I'm sure I've forgotten many, so this list will evolve. Phantoms in the Brain, Age of Spiritual Machines, Age of Intelligent Machines, Parallel Worlds, Neuropsychopharmacology, God Part of the Brain, Receptors, The Great and Secret Show, Imajica, Interview with a Vampire, Lestat, Descarte's Error, The Feeling of What Happens, The Principles of Mathematics, The Demon Haunted World, The Seven Sins of Memory, QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Robot Builder's Bonanza, The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory, Hyperspace, The Quark and the Jaguar, Turning Palm Pilots into Robots, Godel, Escher and Bach, God and Terror, Quest for Consciousness, The Astonishing Hypothesis, Human, All Too Human, Being and Nothingness, Baudelaire, The Age of Reason, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 1984, The Universe in a Nutshell, In Search of Schrodinger's Cat, A Brief History of Time, Visions, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and more to come.